Tentative agreement

ski or die

Ski or Die
I agree with the starting wages part. Mcdonalds in my town starts you off at 12 bucks an hour. What did you want? Double the starting wage for unskilled workers? If wages for this group got too high UPS would just replace them with robots and mechanization which they are slowly doing anyway. In the future there will be no warehouse workers anyway.

The thing about starting out with UPS was the opportunity for promotion and high paying jobs. I know many only work here for college or the health benefits but the carrot of the 80-125k job is held out in front of you as a
motivating factor.

This is only a tentative agreement. You can vote no and tell the Teamsters to do better. We haven't seen all the details. All I am trying to say is that the 1997 strike may be a factor. In 1997 the first proposals by the company was not only a joke but an insult. I kept every piece of propaganda that the company handed out before and during that strike.
Why not wait for the LAST BEST FINAL OFFER. Call their bluff again as in 97.


My Senior Picture
Has anyone seen the whole Agreement or is everyone basing their opinions on hearsay?
Management delivered the message at PCM
I was at the PCM and they read a statement that corporate had written. The Teamsters and Company have reached a handshake agreement. They didn't read the details of the proposed language.
No, they haven't released the "whole agreement", nor will they until all of the supplements are sewn up....

....which is complete :bsbullf:


Well-Known Member
You mantra is baseless.
Again, I'll post it just for you, one last time.. .

Everyone has a vote. No full time person "pushed" anything through that suppressed or diminished the part time working conditions or compensation.

Actually, it's the opposite issue because the pt time employees outnumber the ft your mantra is baseless and one sided slander stirring up "brothers" against each other.

If I'm walking down the street with a friend and there's a 50 dollar bill laying on the sidewalk ahead of us but my friend says "I'm not bending over to pick it up, it's too much work" so I pick it up.

That's the word picture describing the part time participation in voting.

Stop blaming the full time. We choose our own destiny.
All those posts of mine you quoted are basically saying the same thing...so are you saying that by not looking out for your part-timer brothers and sisters you're not screwing them? Like I said, that makes you complicit in it. And by the way, at least one of the posters I responded to actually flat out said something along the lines of the part-timers selling out the full-timers this contract, which is what I was specifically referring to being funny when it has been the other way around all this time.

A better analogy for your $50 bill lying on the sidewalk would be this: You're walking down the street with a friend and there's a $50 bill lying on the sidewalk. However, your friend is blind and doesn't even know there's a $50 bill on the sidewalk, you're just bending down to grab it yourself and ignoring the fact that your blind friend could have used it as well.

We all know part-time voting participation sucks, but that doesn't mean you allow that to keep the company and the union overlooking the part-timers every contract. Or we can just agree to disagree and at least agree that there is no "brotherhood" in this union, because that's really what it comes down to. A true brotherhood wouldn't allow this to happen for 30+ years.


Just a turd
pretty sure i could take you. I bench 315x2. I'm on creatine, protein, & testosterone boosters.


Well-Known Member
when full-timers have been selling out the part-timers for years on end by passing through :censored2:ty contracts without a second thought to how it affects their part-time brothers and sisters? Seriously ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

This came from your Superteeth.

Again, this was in response to someone who said that the part-timers were going to sell the full-timers out...and I stand by that statement, because by not paying any attention to the language pertaining to the part-timers, full-timers have been complicit in screwing the part-timers...or like I said, we can just agree that this isn't the International "Brotherhood" of Teamsters, this is the International "Brotherhood" of Full-timers and the International "Brotherhood" of Part-timers Who Don't Vote and Don't Know What the Hell is Going on And Will Jump on a Two-Dollar Pay Raise and Pass Through A :censored2:ty Contract for Everyone That Will Lead to the Further Erosion of the Union's Power Until UPS Becomes Exactly Like FedEx But Worse. But that's too long a name for a union.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
You mantra is baseless.
Again, I'll post it just for you, one last time.. .

Everyone has a vote. No full time person "pushed" anything through that suppressed or diminished the part time working conditions or compensation.

Actually, it's the opposite issue because the pt time employees outnumber the ft your mantra is baseless and one sided slander stirring up "brothers" against each other.

If I'm walking down the street with a friend and there's a 50 dollar bill laying on the sidewalk ahead of us but my friend says "I'm not bending over to pick it up, it's too much work" so I pick it up.

That's the word picture describing the part time participation in voting.

Stop blaming the full time. We choose our own destiny.
Sure buddy.


Well-Known Member
I mean, do half of you naysayers for what I'm saying know what the IBT stands for? If so, do you know what the word "brotherhood" means? Synonyms for "brotherhood" include words like fellowship, comradeship, kinship, fraternalism, etc. Your line of "Well, if the part-timers want better pay and working conditions, they should vote" only works in something like a presidential election where there are factions (Democrats, Republicans, etc.) who are all voting for representatives that represent competing interests. You never hear of Democrats blaming Republicans for voting Trump into office, do you? That's because they weren't supposed to vote for Clinton, they're on opposing factions! They don't expect them to vote for Clinton!

But in a brotherhood, we're all supposed to be looking out for each other, not just for ourselves. THAT'S why the voting situation here is different than something like a presidential election. We're not supposed to be a full-time and a part-time faction. There's no place in a union for factions among the membership, it's a literal logical impossibility. We could vote for different presidents for the union, but at the end of the day we should still be looking out for each other. Political affiliations within the union mean nothing at the end of the day when it comes to a true brotherhood. But apparently that's not how it works for you, does it, Sickofit?


Well-Known Member
I mean, do half of you naysayers for what I'm saying know what the IBT stands for? If so, do you know what the word "brotherhood" means? Synonyms for "brotherhood" include words like fellowship, comradeship, kinship, fraternalism, etc. Your line of "Well, if the part-timers want better pay and working conditions, they should vote" only works in something like a presidential election where there are factions (Democrats, Republicans, etc.) who are all voting for representatives that represent competing interests. You never hear of Democrats blaming Republicans for voting Trump into office, do you? That's because they weren't supposed to vote for Clinton, they're on opposing factions! They don't expect them to vote for Clinton!

But in a brotherhood, we're all supposed to be looking out for each other, not just for ourselves. THAT'S why the voting situation here is different than something like a presidential election. We're not supposed to be a full-time and a part-time faction. There's no place in a union for factions among the membership, it's a literal logical impossibility. We could vote for different presidents for the union, but at the end of the day we should still be looking out for each other. Political affiliations within the union mean nothing at the end of the day when it comes to a true brotherhood. But apparently that's not how it works for you, does it, Sickofit?
What was the strike in '97 about? It wasn't full time issues.


Gone Fish'n
We were making jokes about what a "hybrid" was, like some kind of warewolf, or mechanical man. The preload manager looked like he was going to say something but then left after seeing this go on.
We already have hybrid preloaders. They are called supervisors who get paid less and do the job of preloaders.


Well-Known Member
"Part-time America Won't Work".

In addition, they were supposed to be creating more full-time jobs and closing the ever-increasing gap between part-time and full-time wage rates. Among other things. Many other things.

Frankie's Friend

I mean, do half of you naysayers for what I'm saying know what the IBT stands for? If so, do you know what the word "brotherhood" means? Synonyms for "brotherhood" include words like fellowship, comradeship, kinship, fraternalism, etc. Your line of "Well, if the part-timers want better pay and working conditions, they should vote" only works in something like a presidential election where there are factions (Democrats, Republicans, etc.) who are all voting for representatives that represent competing interests. You never hear of Democrats blaming Republicans for voting Trump into office, do you? That's because they weren't supposed to vote for Clinton, they're on opposing factions! They don't expect them to vote for Clinton!

But in a brotherhood, we're all supposed to be looking out for each other, not just for ourselves. THAT'S why the voting situation here is different than something like a presidential election. We're not supposed to be a full-time and a part-time faction. There's no place in a union for factions among the membership, it's a literal logical impossibility. We could vote for different presidents for the union, but at the end of the day we should still be looking out for each other. Political affiliations within the union mean nothing at the end of the day when it comes to a true brotherhood. But apparently that's not how it works for you, does it, Sickofit?


Happy Verified UPSer
Why not wait for the LAST BEST FINAL OFFER. Call their bluff again as in 97.
I have been speaking to drivers in the Reno and Sacramento hubs. so far for the most part they are happy.

however , all the people I know are feeder drivers. before voting no i would want to know what the negotiators tell us. this is brand new news. it may take awhile before you can make an informed decision.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone start at UPS making $40/hr? Nah, so you're obvious attempt at selling this pile of dog :censored2: is already irrelevant....but just to entertain you, Do your homework. Around here, any labor union whether it's plumbers, carpenters, welders, whatever...all already top out at over $40/hr...most closer to $50. Sure, it takes years to get to that rate, but so does UPS.

Trade Apprenticeships are only two years before they make top scale