You don't seem to understand the meaning of a "brotherhood", do you? For example, if your brother was about to be given, say, a

ty deal on a car sale, and you were there to prevent him from taking the

ty deal, you would step in as his brother and keep him from doing it, right? So on the flip side, part-timers keep getting crappy contracts reamed up their backsides, so as a brother to these part-timers, shouldn't you vote down contracts that don't take care of them, even if the same way it was your brother's fault he didn't get educated on how car sales work and it's your part-timer brothers' faults that they didn't vote, it's still part of being a brother to them to help them out?
No one said full-timers were "oppressing" the part-timers, but they are complicit in it by voting through contracts that don't take care of them. And this is the end result, a contract where the tables could very well be turned against the full-timers in favor of the historically overlooked part-timers.