Tentative agreement


Well-Known Member
Seems kind of weird to put all part timers at the same rate regardless if they just started or have been here for 3-4 years. It's probably not finished

Frankie's Friend

Isn't it funny how most of the full-timers blame the part-timers' lack of representation on the fact that they don't vote, and then when the company makes a proposal that at least a decent amount of part-timers would jump on (22.4 jobs) and are offered a bonus (assuming that'll actually happen)
Despite the fact that plenty of full-timers have been complicit (again, not all, but most) in passing through contracts that screw the part-timers

Please, show me where I said anything different from what I've said in the post you quoted. That's what I've said the whole time. The full-timers are pushing through contracts that are not looking out for their part-timer brothers and sisters. The full-timers are not "oppressing" the part-timers (meaning that they are not looking at contracts that suck for the part-timers and saying "Hey, let's vote yes because it sucks for part-timers!", but rather, they are checking to see if they are getting theirs and ignoring the rest. You can try to make it look like I'm "changing my tune", but let's see if you can back that up.
You mantra is baseless.
Again, I'll post it just for you, one last time.. .

Everyone has a vote. No full time person "pushed" anything through that suppressed or diminished the part time working conditions or compensation.

Actually, it's the opposite issue because the pt time employees outnumber the ft your mantra is baseless and one sided slander stirring up "brothers" against each other.

If I'm walking down the street with a friend and there's a 50 dollar bill laying on the sidewalk ahead of us but my friend says "I'm not bending over to pick it up, it's too much work" so I pick it up.

That's the word picture describing the part time participation in voting.

Stop blaming the full time. We choose our own destiny.


Old fart Package Car Driver
I was at the PCM and they read a statement that corporate had written. The Teamsters and Company have reached a handshake agreement. They didn't read the details of the proposed language.


Allergic to cardboard.
pretty sure i could take you. I bench 315x2. I'm on creatine, protein, & testosterone boosters.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Not that I have a lot of knowledge on the subject, but it sure has seemed that a lot of Union “brothers” have been bought off contract after contract for little more than a signing bonus.
When they waved it in front of the brethren 25 years ago.. sold ..right now. It was pitiful.

Frankie's Friend

when full-timers have been selling out the part-timers for years on end by passing through :censored2:ty contracts without a second thought to how it affects their part-time brothers and sisters? Seriously ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

This came from your Superteeth.


nowhere special
when full-timers have been selling out the part-timers for years on end by passing through :censored2:ty contracts without a second thought to how it affects their part-time brothers and sisters? Seriously ridiculous.

This came from your Superteeth.
if only more part timers voted ...


Well-Known Member
The union struck in 97 and won fulltime inside jobs. Those job numbers were never fulfilled. To this day you cannot find info as to the total number of jobs. Some of the inside full timers had their pay cut I am told. The jobs were eliminated and forced back to part time. Then I am told they forced them to go to different hubs to find full time work. The company harassed them and were revengeful because these jobs were created from the strike. The company would claim the jobs were created in other parts of the country. These full time hybrids WILL BE DEVISIVE!!! These jobs WILL eventually cut your hours. You Will have a monetary target on your back. This is the big toe in the door. Two-tier wage fulltime driver is their dream and our slow developing nightmare. If you drive you make same rate. No pay compromise. Gird your loins.