Some observations:
The 35 cents that can be moved from the raises... it can only go to H,W and P correct? I'm not crazy about losing paycheck cash but if it can only be diverted to those areas then it would make it easier to swallow in my opinion. I honestly have no idea if the pension will be around when I retire but I'm certainly not counting on it when I run my retirement figures. Personally I would rather control over my own money instead of either The Union or the Company. Let me roll it over into a Roth - not gonna happen so I'll have to try and make sure I make the best out of my options. Getting out of CS was a good start.
Has anybody found any info on working after retirement? Will there be the same or similar asinine restrictions under this new deal as there were under the old?
The split raises aren't my favorite idea but they are still raises. I would imagine it still works out better than raises in other industries but i haven't run the math. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Members voted to have Pensions, Health and Welfare issues be the main focus of this contract. It wasn't supposed to be about record wage increases or better language in certain areas. Is our pension going to better off because of this tentative agreement than it was before? I'm no financial wiz but my gut says yes - I could very well be wrong and if someone has the math, lay it on me
I think not giving higher pay to new hires right away can be looked at in a lot of ways. Not many quality people may want to come for $8.50. The company may not want to give more money to people that may not hang in there. Showing people there will be a pay jump in 3 months may be enough to get them over that initial hump of adapting to the work or it may not.
I'm still going over alot of stuff in my head and I realize a lot of this is just random so bear with me... it helps me to sift through it all.