Also forgot to mention we had Ghost cars roaming around helping drivers all day, No SSDs but had seasonals be driver helpers.Right if i found them right in the trailer i would of easily gone back out and deliver them. My mindset was a "normal" saturday. my evening supervisor is laid back and OMS is laid back because its a saturday. the morning supervisor and OMS yeah they normally send it to my DIAD and run it on my way back to center. My evening supervisor says if you want to run the missload then run it, if not sheet it as missed and service cross it and throw it in the belt so it would be loaded in the local trailer. Hes not really forcing any overtime unless hes trying to go home early himself. He leaves early if things goes smoothly and doesn't wait for last driver. The main problem is that we dont communicate with each other until it is too late. We used to have a OMS who would regularly send out reminders etc, yeah sure it got annoying and slows down the DIAD. its just that ME as a driver, OMS and supervisors got careless and im the one who got canned for the mistakes.