Texas school shooting


Strength through joy
They don’t care about the type of gun or the people killed for that matter. They want all the guns. They can’t truly have power with an armed populace. Our freedom hangs by one amendment.
actually 2.
In order to enforce the 2nd, the 4th would also have to be repealed.


Strength through joy
Keep voting

We don’t want all guns: we just want the militia well regulated.

We want waiting periods and background checks.
We want liability insurance for guns to pay for more police, school security guards and school hardening.

You get to keep your guns: we just want some fixes for a problem.
Since the militia is made up of people who are using their own personal guns, wouldn't be best if they were comfortable with their use.
Waiting periods and background checks are already in play.
Once they start taxing anything, the money generated rarely goes where they said it would.
Most likely it will go to a general fund which pays for many unrelated topics.
We would all like to see fixes.
How about ending all the big cities' issues with crime ?


Well-Known Member
Keep voting

We don’t want all guns: we just want the militia well regulated.

We want waiting periods and background checks.
We want liability insurance for guns to pay for more police, school security guards and school hardening.

You get to keep your guns: we just want some fixes for a problem.
So if all u want is background checks and waiting periods? Nothing more than what you just posted? So this will fix the problem?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Keep voting

We don’t want all guns: we just want the militia well regulated.

We want waiting periods and background checks.
We want liability insurance for guns to pay for more police, school security guards and school hardening.

You get to keep your guns: we just want some fixes for a problem.
I want you to sit and spin while you go :censored2: yourself.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
actually 2.
In order to enforce the 2nd, the 4th would also have to be repealed.