Texas school shooting


Well-Known Member
US murder rates by state per the CDC.

Pretty much every state on the top of the list is red.

South Carolina12.7622
New Mexico10.8216
its a murder per number. larger populations do better . its all how you twist the numbers. No one would argue that its safer to live in chicago then tupelo.


Binge Poster
Pro life and pro choice are misnomers and euphemisms.
Don’t agree with this. I believe they are valid perspectives that are part of the debate.
The issue is are you for or against abortion.
I believe the issue is a bit more complex. I know many individuals who are staunch anti-abortionists but strongly favor capital punishment and war.
Do I think shooting children is wrong ? Yeah I do.
I agree.
I also think it’s the deep state that’s planning these murders and not the random work of a lunatic but that’s another story
What is your proof?

This sounds a bit “out there” to me.


Binge Poster
I wonder if he would post the report of the cars who killed those people? After all they probably drove their selves through crowds, as well as went to the bar and got drunk and drove into a family of four.
I see your point but not to the extent that I believe these issues should divert humanity from the reality that guns need to be better and more strictly regulated.

I believe vetting of potential gun owners should very thorough regardless of how long it takes.


Binge Poster
Keep voting

We don’t want all guns: we just want the militia well regulated.

We want waiting periods and background checks.
We want liability insurance for guns to pay for more police, school security guards and school hardening.

You get to keep your guns: we just want some fixes for a problem.
These suggestions seem reasonable to me.