Texas school shooting


Well-Known Member
You think it would've gone through slower if a Democrat had been shot? There's plenty of things we can do about it. Start with enforcing the laws on the books. And if Democratic jurisdictions are going to make a farce of the law by letting criminals back out on the streets almost immediately then damn straight average citizens should be armed to protect themselves.
You think so? All coming from a guy who hasn't paid a dime in federal income tax for years and years. Enforcement requires money....big money and therefore in order for you to get your own way it will mean that somebody else has to fork over the money. Oh btw, how's that taxpayer paid heart surgery working out for you? Maybe we should have used the money for increased law enforcement and prosecutions? The point is Tex, there's only so much money to go around and therefore requires the establishment of priorities . More cops, .more DA's more judges, more courtrooms and more jails.....you're talking super money. In fact something so simple as replacing the roof on my county's little jail?.....FOUR MILLION DOLLARS.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You think so? All coming from a guy who hasn't paid a dime in federal income tax for years and years. Enforcement requires money....big money and therefore in order for you to get your own way it will mean that somebody else has to fork over the money. Oh btw, how's that taxpayer paid heart surgery working out for you? Maybe we should have used the money for increased law enforcement and prosecutions? The point is Tex, there's only so much money to go around and therefore requires the establishment of priorities . More cops, .more DA's more judges, more courtrooms and more jails.....you're talking super money. In fact something so simple as replacing the roof on my county's little jail?.....FOUR MILLION DOLLARS.
They blew plenty of money on teachers and air filtration. Waste of money. Keeping kids safe isn’t a priority for the scumbag dimocrats. They would rather turn them into screwed up transgendered idiots.
Plenty of covid money left too. Stop pushing those fake ass vaccines and harden the schools.


Well-Known Member
They blew plenty of money on teachers and air filtration. Waste of money. Keeping kids safe isn’t a priority for the scumbag dimocrats. They would rather turn them into screwed up transgendered idiots.
Plenty of covid money left too. Stop pushing those fake ass vaccines and harden the schools.
DIDO/Union Strong you and your fellow UPS package handlers with your GED's don't work for nothing. So why should teachers with the BA,s MA's and in some cases PHD's plus their state certification requirements work for nothing? Air filtration? I suppose that in your mind's eye the thousands of kids with childhood allergies should therefore be banned from attending school. Sure we could put more SRO's in schools but what we don't know is would they do what the SRO at Parkland did?.....Run way and hide. Reports say that the SRO in this case ran all he way to Minnesota to try and hide.....Fine officer he was.


Strength through joy
As for his money ( the ar-15 costed $1870-https://danieldefense.com/ddm4-v7.html ) , it is alleged that he worked at a Wendy's.


Inordinately Right
You think so? All coming from a guy who hasn't paid a dime in federal income tax for years and years. Enforcement requires money....big money and therefore in order for you to get your own way it will mean that somebody else has to fork over the money. Oh btw, how's that taxpayer paid heart surgery working out for you? Maybe we should have used the money for increased law enforcement and prosecutions? The point is Tex, there's only so much money to go around and therefore requires the establishment of priorities . More cops, .more DA's more judges, more courtrooms and more jails.....you're talking super money. In fact something so simple as replacing the roof on my county's little jail?.....FOUR MILLION DOLLARS.
Can you participate in a single conversation without bitching and moaning about universal healthcare?

Like, just one?
FFS, get a grip.


Well-Known Member
As for his money ( the ar-15 costed $1870-https://danieldefense.com/ddm4-v7.html ) , it is alleged that he worked at a Wendy's.
Daniel defense is not remarkable in anyway. Except their price imho. An AR is really not any more remarkable than any other rifle outside of the fact that platform is highly modifiable with exchangeable parts. Just a semi automatic rifle.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
So sad ! My police officer daughter had a very serious conversation with her 11 year old son this morning who read all about the shootings. It hit home with him the age and grades of the victims . Just like the kids that get on the bus with him every day.


Well-Known Member
Because the government is inefficient and bad at almost everything. A simple concept you Democrats struggle to understand.
I agree with you Democrats (or maybe they understand it and don’t care.) struggle to understand, but don’t leave out the many Republicans who also have the same problem understanding. Once these guys and gals go to Washington, they all become big government spenders.


Well-Known Member
america just spent 40 billion most of which went to weapons manufacturers

how much do you spend on non violence and stuff that will prevent this kind of crap?

how much is spent on anti covid campaigns?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
america just spent 40 billion most of which went to weapons manufacturers

how much do you spend on non violence and stuff that will prevent this kind of crap?

how much is spent on anti covid campaigns?
We only spend money on teachers. There union supports the democrats


Well-Known Member
We only spend money on teachers. There union supports the democrats