Texas school shooting


Well-Known Member
america just spent 40 billion most of which went to weapons manufacturers

how much do you spend on non violence and stuff that will prevent this kind of crap?

how much is spent on anti covid campaigns?
Well whatever we spent on Covid it was too much, and didn’t do any good. Government is not the answer to your problem Ricky. Most likely they’re the ones that caused the problems, and then pretend they’re fixing them by taxing you. But you want them to take your money and then when they spend it in ways you don’t like you complain, and they do it over and over and over again and always will. Remember the definition of insanity the next time you want the government to fix your problems.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Well whatever we spent on Covid it was too much, and didn’t do any good. Government is not the answer to your problem Ricky. Most likely they’re the ones that caused the problems, and then pretend they’re fixing them by taxing you. But you want them to take your money and then when they spend it in ways you don’t like you complain and they do it over and over and over again and I always will. Remember the definition of insanity the next time you want the government to fix your problems.
He’s already insane.


Well-Known Member
Well whatever we spent on Covid it was too much, and didn’t do any good. Government is not the answer to your problem Ricky. Most likely they’re the ones that caused the problems, and then pretend they’re fixing them by taxing you. But you want them to take your money and then when they spend it in ways you don’t like you complain, and they do it over and over and over again and I always will. Remember the definition of insanity the next time you want the government to fix your problems.
im not a free market fundamentalist


Well-Known Member
Can you participate in a single conversation without bitching and moaning about universal healthcare?

Like, just one?
FFS, get a grip.
You're the guy's (DIDO/Union Strong) and Tex who demanded that more money be spent on school security claiming that teachers are overpaid and too much spent on meeting air quality standards in public schools. To counter that claim I pointed to the fact that scarce tax dollars had to be spent to pay for his heart operation which might have been avoided if he simply bought his own health insurance. Furthermore, he hasn't paid a dime in FIT in years and years and being that you're a career UPS package handler those wages are such that they would be subject to very little in the way of withholding.

All public budget hearings have opportunities for public comment. So tell me, how many times have you requested and provided testimony at those budget hearings? Don't bother, I already know.....A great big fat zero.


Well-Known Member
You think so? All coming from a guy who hasn't paid a dime in federal income tax for years and years. Enforcement requires money....big money and therefore in order for you to get your own way it will mean that somebody else has to fork over the money. Oh btw, how's that taxpayer paid heart surgery working out for you? Maybe we should have used the money for increased law enforcement and prosecutions? The point is Tex, there's only so much money to go around and therefore requires the establishment of priorities . More cops, .more DA's more judges, more courtrooms and more jails.....you're talking super money. In fact something so simple as replacing the roof on my county's little jail?.....FOUR MILLION DOLLARS.
Y'all have got the money to spend on everything else but you're soft on crime. A major reason you're going to get reamed in November. And what has money got to do with Democrats wanting to take everyone's guns away anyways?


Well-Known Member
You're the guy's (DIDO/Union Strong) and Tex who demanded that more money be spent on school security claiming that teachers are overpaid and too much spent on meeting air quality standards in public schools. To counter that claim I pointed to the fact that scarce tax dollars had to be spent to pay for his heart operation which might have been avoided if he simply bought his own health insurance. Furthermore, he hasn't paid a dime in FIT in years and years and being that you're a career UPS package handler those wages are such that they would be subject to very little in the way of withholding.

All public budget hearings have opportunities for public comment. So tell me, how many times have you requested and provided testimony at those budget hearings? Don't bother, I already know.....A great big fat zero.
When have I ever claimed teachers get paid too much? Every county in the U.S. has a Sheriff's department. Most towns have a police department. They can park someone daily in front of their schools in most places. They certainly do around here.


Inordinately Right
I pointed to the fact that scarce tax dollars had to be spent to pay for his heart operation which might have been avoided if he simply bought his own health insurance. Furthermore, he hasn't paid a dime in FIT in years and years
You're making my point.
A bunch of kids got killed, and you have managed to tie it to vantexan's heart surgery.... Can you even hear yourself? WTF is wrong with you?


Well-Known Member
You're the guy's (DIDO/Union Strong) and Tex who demanded that more money be spent on school security claiming that teachers are overpaid and too much spent on meeting air quality standards in public schools. To counter that claim I pointed to the fact that scarce tax dollars had to be spent to pay for his heart operation which might have been avoided if he simply bought his own health insurance. Furthermore, he hasn't paid a dime in FIT in years and years and being that you're a career UPS package handler those wages are such that they would be subject to very little in the way of withholding.

All public budget hearings have opportunities for public comment. So tell me, how many times have you requested and provided testimony at those budget hearings? Don't bother, I already know.....A great big fat zero.
By the way the hospital I was at gave me a separate bill, the surgeon's bill, over $6400, separate from the main bill of $107k. I applied for financial assistance from them on it too and they just forgave it 100%! How about that! I'm down to just over $6k in bills from the experience. And I'll pay them all $20 a month until my Social Security kicks in then I'll get them paid off. Thanks Democrats!!