Thanks Andy M, you pulled it off!


Well-Known Member
You're almost there.
Dig a bit deeper.
As @Inthegame already pointed out, dues are based on our hourly rate.
That's why they give up other contractual rights to maintain our raise structure.

Follow the money to find the truth.
Oh and you were so close. Your theory is not congruent with reality. If raises were the prime factor, wages would go even higher and bennys would've been cut. That did not happen.


My Senior Picture
Oh and you were so close. Your theory is not congruent with reality. If raises were the prime factor, wages would go even higher and bennys would've been cut. That did not happen.
Actually, that's exactly what happened, to some of us?
The IBT got their dues increase through wage increases that were less percentagewise than the previous contract, while some endured a decrease in benefits.

The IBT did the math, pandering to the slight majority, while weaving a web of deception to the minority (not $90, not $9, not 9¢).
In the end we had 18 failed supplements and next year my raise will go to pay an unprecedented $400 annual deductible to Teamcare, a fund supposedly operating with a surplus?


Well-Known Member
Actually, that's exactly what happened, to some of us?
The IBT got their dues increase through wage increases that were less percentagewise than the previous contract, while some endured a decrease in benefits.

The IBT did the math, pandering to the slight majority, while weaving a web of deception to the minority (not $90, not $9, not 9¢).
In the end we had 18 failed supplements and next year my raise will go to pay an unprecedented $400 annual deductible to Teamcare, a fund supposedly operating with a surplus?
Not going to beat that horse again but the dollars allocated to benny's didn't get reduced (and transfered to wages)even as your personal costs may increase. Deductibles only kick in as one seeks service. Co-premiums (not $90, not $9, not 9¢) are obligations regardless of service.


My Senior Picture
Not going to beat that horse again but the dollars allocated to benny's didn't get reduced (and transfered to wages)even as your personal costs may increase. Deductibles only kick in as one seeks service. Co-premiums (not $90, not $9, not 9¢) are obligations regardless of service.
Yea, sure.
Benifit dollars didn't reduce, but I got less bang for that buck, plus an annual deductible?

Not much chance of my family of four incurring $400 in medical cost next year?


10 point

Well-Known Member
Not going to beat that horse again but the dollars allocated to benny's didn't get reduced (and transfered to wages)even as your personal costs may increase. Deductibles only kick in as one seeks service. Co-premiums (not $90, not $9, not 9¢) are obligations regardless of service.
Just don't use it .
No one gets hurt, sick, or knocked up.
Easy resolution.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Spread by wild monkey(butts).

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Yes they do pantload...but NOT by the IRB! Those audits are conducted by the IBT. (damn...continuing to explain this is becoming tiresome) And if I were you, I wouldn't use the phrase "lost cause". It sort of reminds folks of your most recent delegate election.
So what's the outcome ?


Well-Known Member
You're almost there.
Dig a bit deeper.
As @Inthegame already pointed out, dues are based on our hourly rate.
That's why they give up other contractual rights to maintain our raise structure.

Follow the money to find the truth.
Of course, you are correct. A bit of hyperbole, I guess. YOur point being; hourly rate goes down, so do dues. Correct. The IBT will give contractual rights to keep the hourly rate up. but they will also give up hourly rate (ie. 1 one time bonuses) to get a contract through. My point was really, the last thing the IBT wants is a strike. There is no money coming in, but there is money going out, now. The company may have different priorities, but both want things to continue. Both lose money in a strike.
We are actually fighting both entities.