That was a funny post by TOS no doubt...... Apparently he
still can't figure out why he has a troll tag next his name

As for the IBT.... Who knows but that is why I like the West in control the healthcare. It should give our locals a more power in bargaining and I think the next contract will be the real test. Every region has very different issues but much of this contract for us (in the west) is based on securing securing the ball before running forward. I don't think anyone loves the deal 100% but it is not a bad contract either. There are time factors like healthcare and baby boomer retirees in play that we will need the ability to adjust to this time around. Of course this is just my opinion but the consolation is that we all have 5 years to fight the biggest problem in our union today which is apathy. We will never make true gains unless we get the members involved with our union. Just sending in a ballot does not count, we need more passionate people like the ones that post here and preach it in the yards.
Finally, a post that makes sense and addresses everyone as a whole. Indeed, we can argue all day long, and never find a solution. We didnt ask to be placed into this situation fighting amongst ourselves, this was a position that "WEAK" negotiating placed us in.
Some members want to fight HARDER, some want a little less arguing, some want to wave the white flag and accept whatever is presented.
As Doolittle stated, the Teamsters thought they would present a bucket of chitt to us, and we would look at that bucket of chitt and see chicken noodle soup, but we didnt, and we forced both the C6 and the west to do what was right and get us a decent plan that came closer to what we had.
Nothing came for free. It came at a price. We have been at each others throats for months now, and at the end of the day, we have to accept something that we collectively dont really like, but its better than what was first presented to us.
Member involvement is always going to be the factor that determines how things go in the future, but with these negotiations, the lack of information, the delays, the avoidance and the lack of leadership drove members into not caring enough to make a simple meeting and having their voices heard.
But dont confuse yourself Laguna, there is nothing secured, and at our meeting Andy was asked for guarantees and he wouldnt , couldnt and didnt come close to guaranteeing that this healthcare would remain the same for the full five years.
As for the contract, its not a bad contract, but its not a good contract either. Taking part timers to 4 years progression isnt good for part timers, increasing the use of technology in disciplining drivers isnt good for drivers. Watering down 9.5 language isnt good for drivers already working excessive hours. Not placing language into the contract stopping production harrassment isnt good for drivers.
These are issues that remain unsettled in the minds of those affected.
You are correct on one thing, just sending in a ballot isnt enough. Knowing who's going to lead you in 2018 is now the biggest focus for all members.
Hoffa and Hall have had two contracts to screw up and the members have to decide whether or not they want to wait to see a third screwup or make changes now and ultimately see a better outcome in the future.
Doolittle said it right, the teamsters tried to ram a crap contract down our throats and we did enough to stop them when we shut the whole thing down. Now its time to learn the new contract and protect ourselves while we collectively find a way to place people into office who will do it for us.