When it costs the livelihood of drivers, your local finances and public opinion only to fail miserably at continued negotiation after an admitted illegal wildcat by an agenda laden BA only to have it addressed by the IBT after a day.... I'd say it was a screw up. Ohhh let me guess, it was all part of the master plan? Sell your BS to a weak minded TDUer. They live by the conspiracy. And if I need to make it clear, there were many ways to address the issues 804 has without selling 250 down the river. Not my fault you adhere to the failed extremist ideology. Don't worry, the IBT will keep you safe.Screwup? Are you saying that taking a strong stand against unjust discharges is a screwup? Well of course you are. Anytime members or a local stands up against U.P.S., our current administration and "followers" consider it to be a screwup.
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Are you kidding me?!