The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Well-Known Member
On what planet are we allowed to just ignore SCOTUS? Biden can't legally do it, period.
That’s an interesting quote, and I’m not really suggesting it’s a good idea, I’m just pointing out that presidents have ignored Supreme Court decisions and Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federal’s papers they are the weakest branch.

“As Alexander Hamilton famously wrote in the Federalist Papers, the judiciary is the weakest of our three branches of government. Without “purse” or “sword,” the US Supreme Court is dependent on the willingness of others to enforce its orders and on the public's belief in its impartiality to ensure compliance.”

Andrew Jackson did ignore.

In all honesty, in the case of Joe Biden and student loan forgiveness, I don’t believe he ever intended to forgive loans. He did it as a way to get votes, knowing full well Supreme Court, would strike it down, and he could say “I tried”.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
this guy is pretty left wing. passion, braveheart, and hacksaw come off as subversive

Subversives used to be left-wing. Now they largely control the commanding heights of America's corporations and institutions and it's right-wingers who are having to push back against them.