Well-Known Member
I think I said Hell yes the last time you asked.Think you might be able to leave Trump for DeSantis?
As I've said before Trump is an

I'll still wait to see who else runs and what platform they run on.
Desantis looks terrific but he still has to run, go through the vetting of a national primary and figure out how to beat Trump without alienating his supporters. If he can do that then he's the guy.
Trump got alot done with an angry rabid media and DNC fighting him every step of the way. My one big dissapointment was I've been hoping a businessman like Trump would run and dissect the budget and get spending in line.
if someone steps up who promises to focus on creating a more efficient government and reducing wasteful spending then that would be someone i would take a good hard look at.
we dont need all those federal agencies like the EPA and Education. Their efforts are already negated and duplicated at the local levels. When a business is running in the red they streamline. when the government runs in the red they borrow more money and spend more.
the pessimistic side of me says government will never curtail spending until a crisis forces them to do so.