The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Well-Known Member
Why would a governor involved in his own race and not a national politician be out endorsing others? And let's be clear, it wasn't 300 Congressional candidates.
Joe Biden said it was 300.
I'm fine with your excuse for Desantis but the fact remains no one else stepped up to help other candidates like Trump did.


Well-Known Member
Joe Biden said it was 300.
I'm fine with your excuse for Desantis but the fact remains no one else stepped up to help other candidates like Trump did.
Trump endorsed governor, secretary of state, attorney general, and other candidates too. Wasn't all Congressional.


Well-Known Member
Trump endorsed governor, secretary of state, attorney general, and other candidates too. Wasn't all Congressional.
hell of a guy . thank god the republican party had him trying to do something because the rest of those idiots didnt do anything.


Well-Known Member
thats what I've been telling you . No one else has done anything on the scale that Trump did.
are you finally agreeing with me?
Have you not considered Trump was doing it to help his chances in '24 and was very disappointed with the results? And lashed out at folks like DeSantis the night of the election? Started talking about how disloyal DeSantis was when he wouldn't have been elected without Trump. To date DeSantis hasn't declared but Trump feels threatened. The presidency doesn't belong to anyone but the person the voters decide for. Trump isn't owed anything.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
That's because where crime is the worst they are extremely liberal. Picked up seats in Long Island because of the crime spilling out of NYC. But NYC is so liberal they'd rather gnaw their arms off than vote Republican.
I've crossed over.
They are not liberal. They are a people who are products of the state ran media who are uninformed without even the slightest idea of what is happening in their district much less in the country. If they accidentally pick up some real facts they turn a blind eye or blame Trump.
They will vote Dim forever and so will their 13 kids who don't know who their Daddy is.
Legacy voters come in all colors. Because of this mentality, the country is fragmenting. The progressive left is winning.


Well-Known Member
Have you not considered Trump was doing it to help his chances in '24 and was very disappointed with the results? And lashed out at folks like DeSantis the night of the election? Started talking about how disloyal DeSantis was when he wouldn't have been elected without Trump. To date DeSantis hasn't declared but Trump feels threatened. The presidency doesn't belong to anyone but the person the voters decide for. Trump isn't owed anything.
the motive does not deny that he not only endorsed candidates but ran Trump rallies to support them. No other republican did anything during the elections anywhere near the scale of trump.


Well-Known Member


nowhere special
All you ever trumpers and maga’s better sit down and find a tv
Garland getting ready to drop the hammer on the orange genius
J6 committee is ending with a whimper so Garland needed an excuse to Keep the hit pieces flowing. I guess he missed the memo from his own FBI that it was a nothingburger.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

"A new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll found that former President Donald Trump is the clear front-runner in a hypothetical 2024 Republican primary, leading Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis by 18 points.

The poll found that 46 percent of Republican voters would support Trump, compared to 28 percent who support DeSantis."


Well-Known Member

"A new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll found that former President Donald Trump is the clear front-runner in a hypothetical 2024 Republican primary, leading Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis by 18 points.

The poll found that 46 percent of Republican voters would support Trump, compared to 28 percent who support DeSantis."
All speculative polling until Desantis announces and speaks to his platform.