The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Well-Known Member
Yeah which is as bad if not worse. Why do you think they support the evil they do in every institution there is
Oh, because people are human doesn’t matter their ethnicity. Eventually, you will be given over to a reprobate mind, and the things you care about the most will be evident. Money and power are pretty big for reprobates.


Well-Known Member
Look at the corruption of the legal system, the media, the medical field, the education system especially higher ed, and almost every government agency what four letter word is behind it


Well-Known Member
Oh, because people are human doesn’t matter their ethnicity. Eventually, you will be given over to a reprobate mind, and the things you care about the most will be evident. Money and power are pretty big for reprobates.
It’s not ethnicity it’s worship of the devil. Polish Italian Jamaican those are ethnicities


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
“Jesus was Jewish” guess you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. No he was not


Well-Known Member
What's worse is you’re willingly repeating calumnious allegations without fact, proof, or specifics. That makes you a cretin.
So Jews don’t run the court system which is completely corrupt you’re trying to tell me that ? Ditto higher ed. ditto medicine ? Ditto pharma. You’re delusional. Keep the blindfold on must be great to be so ignorant


Well-Known Member
That’s okay we need everyone to stand up and be counted who’s on the jew new world order side and who’s on the side of Christianity. Time to separate the sheep from the goats. We don’t want to share a country with you evildoers anymore who say men can be women and pedophilia is okay. Sorry not sorry


Well-Known Member
That’s okay we need everyone to stand up and be counted who’s on the jew new world order side and who’s on the side of Christianity. Time to separate the sheep from the goats. We don’t want to share a country with you evildoers anymore who say men can be women and pedophilia is okay. Sorry not sorry
And yet we will if you read the Bible. Your problem is you’re fighting for something that doesn’t exist in eternity, this country.