The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Well-Known Member
The only way they can win is to mail ballots out to people completely ignorant about politics, then bombard them with advertisement telling them to vote.
If Kennedy goes third party they'll end up with a lot more Democratic votes than actual Democratic voters if Biden wins. I flat out don't see any path to victory for them without cheating so massive that even Democrats would have to admit there was cheating.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns

Conversations with more than a dozen leading Democrats revealed the pervasive, but mostly private, sense of worry that hangs over the race. Some compare this moment to the 2016 cycle when many top Democrats brushed aside Hillary Clinton’s vulnerabilities only to watch her ultimately lose to Trump.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
It's about time Republicans utilize the vote harvesting system Democrats have put in place.

There is a stupid argument that we can't use the system that's in place while also fighting to overturn these terrible voting laws.

We can and we have to.
The GOP in many ways still runs for office like it's 1984. They must compete with things like early voting and vote by mail.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
He was against it (border walls) before he was for it. He created this massive problem, it is his legacy and one of the major campaign issues for 2024.

January 2021:

“I have determined that the declaration of a national emergency at our southern border was unwarranted,” Joe Biden

October 2023:

The Biden administration announced it waived 26 federal laws in South Texas to allow border wall construction


Well-Known Member
He was against it (border walls) before he was for it. He created this massive problem, it is his legacy and one of the major campaign issues for 2024.

January 2021:

“I have determined that the declaration of a national emergency at our southern border was unwarranted,” Joe Biden

October 2023:

The Biden administration announced it waived 26 federal laws in South Texas to allow border wall construction
And major campaign issue is the only reason he's doing it now. And will only build a section of wall. Paying lip service to the problem.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
And major campaign issue is the only reason he's doing it now. And will only build a section of wall. Paying lip service to the problem.
Despite the msm blackout of news on the border and the lies that it’s secured, Americans are seeing the damage caused by the influx of the illegal vermin crossing over. Especially the black population. That’s the real danger to democrats, that blacks will turn from them.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Despite the msm blackout of news on the border and the lies that it’s secured, Americans are seeing the damage caused by the influx of the illegal vermin crossing over. Especially the black population. That’s the real danger to democrats, that blacks will turn from them.
That would be an effective campaign strategy: government benefits are going to illegal immigrants instead of the black community because Democrats.


Well-Known Member
Despite the msm blackout of news on the border and the lies that it’s secured, Americans are seeing the damage caused by the influx of the illegal vermin crossing over. Especially the black population. That’s the real danger to democrats, that blacks will turn from them.
I agree that some coming through are vermin. The real vermin in my opinion are the people who allowed this to happen, not the foreigners who see this as a once in a lifetime opportunity to if not get U.S. citizenship then at least get a job that will allow them to send money home. They shouldn't be here, but can you blame them for coming if our government is encouraging them to come? Violating our laws means nothing to them if our government is telling them it's ok to be here.


Legio patria nostra
blacks will turn from them.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I agree that some coming through are vermin. The real vermin in my opinion are the people who allowed this to happen, not the foreigners who see this as a once in a lifetime opportunity to if not get U.S. citizenship then at least get a job that will allow them to send money home. They shouldn't be here, but can you blame them for coming if our government is encouraging them to come? Violating our laws means nothing to them if our government is telling them it's ok to be here.
It’s mostly military age males crossing. Vermin that will commit crimes. Blame has nothing to do with it at this point, they are here and should be deported. Not to mention the diseases they are spreading. You love them, you should take some in.


Well-Known Member
It’s mostly military age males crossing. Vermin that will commit crimes. Blame has nothing to do with it at this point, they are here and should be deported. Not to mention the diseases they are spreading. You love them, you should take some in.
Not a matter of loving them. If I were 22, had a wife and baby in Honduras, had no hope of getting a job that allowed me to support them decently, and the U.S. government is rolling out the red carpet, I'd go too. And I'm 100% for a wall to keep them out. Even the biggest ships can sink taking on too much weight. But despise them, call all of them vermin? Maybe consider how fortunate you are that an ancestor decided to come to the U.S.