The 2024 Presidential Race Thread

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
I've seen at least 5 or 6 videos of her saying he stole the election. And as I pointed out other Democratic leaders have said so. Heck, posters on this forum have said so. So how is that ok but Trump saying it is the big lie?
It wouldn’t be ok… if she said that.

Trump didn’t steal the election. His campaign had contacts with Russians and Russians attacked our elections but that’s already long been known. But the Trump campaign didn’t steal the election and Clinton never said so.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I've seen at least 5 or 6 videos of her saying he stole the election. And as I pointed out other Democratic leaders have said so. Heck, posters on this forum have said so. So how is that ok but Trump saying it is the big lie?
It wouldn’t be ok… if she said that.

Trump didn’t steal the election. His campaign had contacts with Russians and Russians attacked our elections but that’s already long been known. But the Trump campaign didn’t steal the election and Clinton never said so.

"Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday."

"Hillary Clinton is sticking with her conviction that the 2016 presidential election was not conducted legitimately, saying the details surrounding her loss are still unclear."



Well-Known Member

"Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday."

"Hillary Clinton is sticking with her conviction that the 2016 presidential election was not conducted legitimately, saying the details surrounding her loss are still unclear."

yea thats really bad but hillary was :censored2:ing awful

the grease rises to the top

the democrats needed cover for selling out the workers beginning in the 1990s. they chose russiagate. yours truly didnt fall for that crap.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member

"Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday."

"Hillary Clinton is sticking with her conviction that the 2016 presidential election was not conducted legitimately, saying the details surrounding her loss are still unclear."

Yeah, she didn’t say Trump stole the election.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
they went on for 4 years blaming the russians instead of admitting they sold out the working class 20 years ago.
Why not both?

The Russians attacked our elections. This is a FACT. The exact damage of those attacks is really impossible to properly account for.

The Democrats and Republicans both supported neoliberal economic policies that were painful to some lower and middle wage earners in some areas of the country.


Well-Known Member
Hillary Clinton never said Trump stole the election. Let’s be precise.
Yes she did. Numerous times. She went around the country saying so in interviews. The funny thing is it eventually came out it was her campaign that funded the infamous Steele dossier that was debunked as untrue by the FBI but still used as a basis to get warrants from the FISA court to spy on members of the Trump administration because the dossier alleged Trump collusion with Russians.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Yes she did. Numerous times. She went around the country saying so in interviews. The funny thing is it eventually came out it was her campaign that funded the infamous Steele dossier that was debunked as untrue by the FBI but still used as a basis to get warrants from the FISA court to spy on members of the Trump administration because the dossier alleged Trump collusion with Russians.
Repeating misleading information again. Not accurate.