The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Well-Known Member
The Steele Dossier was NOT the basis of the investigation. It was at best a sideshow. The irresponsible “liberal” media screwed the pooch on this.
Nope, the FBI used it as justification for warrants. Internal memos exposed that they knew it wasn't true before they used it to get the warrants. This all came out in the inspector general's report. Where were you? Oh, that's right, you listen to MSM. Of course MSM gleefully used the dossier to say Trump got peed on by Russian hookers. Some here reported that like it was gospel fact.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Nope, the FBI used it as justification for warrants. Internal memos exposed that they knew it wasn't true before they used it to get the warrants. This all came out in the inspector general's report. Where were you? Oh, that's right, you listen to MSM. Of course MSM gleefully used the dossier to say Trump got peed on by Russian hookers. Some here reported that like it was gospel fact.
It wasn’t the basis for the Mueller Report. Just read it. I did.


Well-Known Member
The meeting between campaign officials ….

You know what? Here’s the link to the facts.

I really don’t feel like batting away your shotgun blast of BS
What a load of horse manure. You claimed that members of Trump's campaign had many contacts with Russians. Papadopoulos? He got a slap on the wrist for lying. Peter Strzok? Was fired from Mueller's team after emails surfaced showing his bias against Trump Bruce Ohr? He notified McCabe and others about the dossier couldn't be corroborated but they took it to the FISA court anyways.

What you have here is an attempt to whitewash Democratic malfeasance.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
What a load of horse manure. You claimed that members of Trump's campaign had many contacts with Russians. Papadopoulos? He got a slap on the wrist for lying. Peter Strzok? Was fired from Mueller's team after emails surfaced showing his bias against Trump Bruce Ohr? He notified McCabe and others about the dossier couldn't be corroborated but they took it to the FISA court anyways.

What you have here is an attempt to whitewash Democratic malfeasance.
Pick and choose and make up whole cloth your reality. That’s ok. But I’m done with this discussion. I’ve showed you why the Mueller investigation wasn’t based on the Steele Dossier alone.


Inordinately Right
Pick and choose and make up whole cloth your reality. That’s ok. But I’m done with this discussion. I’ve showed you why the Mueller investigation wasn’t based on the Steele Dossier alone.
You posted a link to a left wing Facebook fact check site then ran away because you can't defend that crap.

Carry on.