The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
“Joe Biden sucks”
“Joe Biden is owned by China”
“Joe Biden loves Hamas”
“Joe Biden is senile”
“The Biden family took billions from…”

(Polls show Trump winning)

Joe Biden sucks: Thought he was straight?
Joe Biden is owned by China: $millions literally given to his family.
Joe Biden loves Hamas: Who is saying that? Certainly not the Far Left.
Joe Biden is senile: The majority of Dems seem to think so in polls.
The Biden family took billions? Really? Worse than I thought!

(Polls show Trump winning) CNN and the New York Times polls agree.

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Sad to see Tim Scott drop out. I was hoping he would outlast some of the others. I’m definitely glad to see some of his supporters back DeSantis though.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
No Dominion Voting Machines down there I take it.
"a self described anarcho-capitalist who has drawn frequent comparisons to former U.S. President Donald Trump.
The whole world is sick and tired of commies.