The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The AP has previously reported on false claims that Pelosi blocked the National Guard from coming to the capitol on Jan. 6. As the newly released footage showed, she and McConnell, then Senate majority leader, called for military assistance, including the National Guard, during the attack.

“The National Guard can only be activated by the president or a governor,” Huder ( senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Government Affairs Institute) added. “In the case of D.C., it can only be mobilized by the president of the United States.”
You’re right. I’m beyond believing anything from the State Ran Media. It’s all laughable to me and should come with a warning “ for juvenile audiences only.
Trump Authorized National Guard for Jan. 6 but Congress, DC Didn't
Bill's Weekly Column - It's a Propaganda World, After All - Bill O'Reilly


Well-Known Member
Is that anything like Santos sponsored s:censored2:t?
Santos sponsored?



Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
About next May, all the Hunter / Joe stuff will be so apparent Joe will resign.
All the Leftist foaming at the mouth for Trump to be found guilty of anything, will not happen. He will be the nominee.
Gavin will swoop in at the convention in August to save the day. He's the nominee. Of course, he will promise to pardon Joe if elected.
Trump wins.