The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Legio patria nostra


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Haley told the truth about what the civil war was over. Yankees just parrot what they were told in grade school. The northern aggression tried and succeeded in painting it about "freeing the slaves" to come out "noble". They were anything but noble.
Anyone with a rational mind knows that the War had nothing to do with slavery. Proof can be found in the proposed Corwin Amendment, by Congressman Thomas Corwin of Ohio who authored, with the help of other notable Radical Republicans the Constitutional Amendment that would have FOREVER prohibited the abolition of slavery if the seceded states would but rejoin the union and ratify the amendment. The South refused.
Why? If it wanted to protect slavery you would think the South would have jumped on this. Besides this, the Crittendon-Johnson Resolution stated that the war was not for the “purpose of overthrowing or interfering with the rights or established institutions of those states”.
States rights, baby. Freedom, baby. Freedom.


Well-Known Member
Haley told the truth about what the civil war was over. Yankees just parrot what they were told in grade school. The northern aggression tried and succeeded in painting it about "freeing the slaves" to come out "noble". They were anything but noble.
Anyone with a rational mind knows that the War had nothing to do with slavery. Proof can be found in the proposed Corwin Amendment, by Congressman Thomas Corwin of Ohio who authored, with the help of other notable Radical Republicans the Constitutional Amendment that would have FOREVER prohibited the abolition of slavery if the seceded states would but rejoin the union and ratify the amendment. The South refused.
Why? If it wanted to protect slavery you would think the South would have jumped on this. Besides this, the Crittendon-Johnson Resolution stated that the war was not for the “purpose of overthrowing or interfering with the rights or established institutions of those states”.
States rights, baby. Freedom, baby. Freedom.
The South probably wasn't onboard with that amendment because they were well aware of the U.S. government's propensity for breaking their word. But I think enough has already been pointed out by others here of the statements made by Southern states of their concerns about the North wanting to end slavery. Look at it this way. The North forced the end of slavery with the war. But the South continued for at least 100 years or so to openly discriminate against and harm blacks. I live in what at one time was considered one of the most racist counties in the U.S. Our sheriff made international news killing a couple of blacks in his custody. Even the Soviets commented on it. That was a long time after the Civil War ended. Anyone who thinks the war didn't involve slavery at all considering the abolitionist movement at the time is kidding himself.


Well-Known Member
I love listening to justifications for slavery. It’s fun.
I don't love hearing liberals literally make everything about race. Just a couple weeks ago someone was pointing out that because most of these robots being developed are colored white then there must be a racial element to it. Some white guy was doing great things with his charity providing fresh, clean water to villages in Africa. The Left made it racist because he was white. Do y'all ever listen to yourselves? The list of what is interpreted as racist seems endless.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I think she is George H. Bush in heels. I don't really like her but she just moved passed DeSantomonius for me after today.

Trump is done with her, though. She'll never see the VP spot.

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Where? An AA from Devry Institute??? :rofl: WGAF
"Free" = Free
"Cost" = Not Free

Do you see the economic tie in there?

Besides what do you think would happen if the South had to pay for labor they previously did not have to?
Did you have any 100-level classes in Economics? Did they cover Fed taxation during that period.
Please, tell me about Federal taxes before the Civil War. Are we speaking about tariffs?

Donnie said tariffs were good.

I had to look up Devry Institute, because you spelt it wrong.


Legio patria nostra
Please, tell me about Federal taxes before the Civil War. Are we speaking about tariffs?

Donnie said tariffs were good.

I had to look up Devry Institute, because you spelt it wrong.
( Pay attention to what’s in quotations)

Donnie who?

Devry versus DeVry can’t be THAT hard to figure out

Spelt is a grain. You should learn correct spelling before you criticize others.