The Obama and Biden administrations have all but performed oral sex on the Iranian mullahs and you want to talk appeasement?Good. Let’s make them cry uncle by helping our ally and friend finish crushing them.
What’s up with this appeasement attitude MAGA seems to have? Where in history has satisfying the fantasy of a radical commie American-hating madman got us anywhere?
Why don't you just say the truth? Your Democratic Party is just as much in bed with the military/industrial complex as many Republicans are and are willing to get us into constant wars to pad profits. Those profits mean big contributions to campaign coffers that keep politicians in power. Meanwhile our troops get used as cannon fodder, not to mention the civilian populations of these countries. I'm 100% for stopping aggression. Not for instigating it in order to stop it. If we're truly interested in ending the Ukraine war then give them the weapons systems necessary to end it. Let's not have another 10-20 year war with a bunch of smiling fat cats in Washington.