Well-Known Member
Yep… cool and sharp
@Next Day ErrDon't believe your lying eyes, dear supreme leader Joe is in great cognitive shape!
Fact checked!
Can he explain what cognitive means ?Don't believe your lying eyes, dear supreme leader Joe is in great cognitive shape!
Fact checked!
Not much to argue, really. Gun sales are federally regulated, marijuana is illegal, federally. Now that may become a different story if it's turned into a schedule III drug, but as of now it's really straight forward. (As straight forward as the legal system gets, I guess)I believe I heard today that there’s a pending case about just what you are arguing. It’ll be interesting to see what comes of it.
Oh my god. Reaching.
Oh my god. Reaching.
Events can be confusing, seriously. Maybe he wasn’t sure WHEN to leave the stage or what direction. These things are coordinated and sometimesups happen.
Tell ya what... next time Biden rambles on incoherently about electric boats and batteries and electrocution vs. death by shark then we talk about his mental acuity. Not being sure when to exit stage does not rise to the level of mental derangement.Totally. Trumpees might be right about Biden suffering from cognitive decline if the lost on stage thing were like….a pattern that we’ve all been able to see.
They literally had the Easter Bunny shuffling this potato around the white house lawn.Totally. Trumpees might be right about Biden suffering from cognitive decline if the lost on stage thing were like….a pattern that we’ve all been able to see.
Would love to see a competitive cognitive test between Biden and Trump. Maybe also a test of who our allies are, who the NATO countries are, names of world leaders, names of labor union leaders... etc.They literally had the Easter Bunny shuffling this potato around the white house lawn.
Only the most extreme hard line Democrats are defending Joe's mental state at this point. And they're only doing it because they have TDS and Biden is their only option.
David Sedaris on Trump vs Biden: "I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of -hit with bits of broken glass in it?" To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.”
sounds like a cool dude, actually. Plus, a real self made millionaire unlike silver spoon![]()
David Sedaris - Wikipedia
A gay man who "is known to regularly wear a headlamp at night and spend hours removing litter from roads and highways near Rackham.[58] Because of this hobby, he is known locally as "Pig Pen"; he also has a waste vehicle named after him."
Not surprising.
From David Sedaris on Trump vs Biden: "I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of -hit with bits of broken glass in it?" To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.”
David Sedaris - Wikipedia
A gay man who "is known to regularly wear a headlamp at night and spend hours removing litter from roads and highways near Rackham.[58] Because of this hobby, he is known locally as "Pig Pen"; he also has a waste vehicle named after him."
Not surprising.
sounds like a cool dude
He doesn't really sound like much of a Trump voterI don't understand how a gay man nicknamed "Pig Pen" likening Trump to aplatter with bits of broken glass in it is particularly compelling.
He’s a humorist, man.I don't understand how a gay man nicknamed "Pig Pen" likening Trump to aplatter with bits of broken glass in it is particularly compelling.
They seem to happen all the time with Joe. This is the most important job in the world and, rather than admit Joe is in cognitive decline and not up for the job, you double down. Meanwhile there are plenty of Democrats who are also saying Joe needs to step aside. But go ahead and run him. Makes a Trump win that much easier.Oh my god. Reaching.
Events can be confusing, seriously. Maybe he wasn’t sure WHEN to leave the stage or what direction. These things are coordinated and sometimesups happen.