Next Day Err
Well-Known Member
You need to stop spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories. You're fomenting mistrust of the election before it's even happened.
Settle down my friend.

Election Denial Can’t Overcome Election Certification Protections
Election deniers have tried to refuse to certify valid election results, but longstanding safeguards can stop them. A new law review article details the past experience and present protections against such attacks.
Republicans have tried this game since 2020 and have failed but we all know failure doesn't seem to stop this party from trying to dismantle our election norms.Cochise County, Arizona, provides a prime recent example. In November 2022, the county’s board of supervisors voted against certifying the county’s general election returns, citing vague concerns that the county’s voting machines could not be trusted. But later, one of the supervisors admitted that their refusal to certify was really a protest against the election in nearby Maricopa County, where a ballot printing error ignited a firestorm of conspiracy theories that the glitch resulted in mass election fraud.
The board’s refusal to certify threatened to disenfranchise every voter in Cochise County. Arizona law required state officials to begin gathering county returns no later than December 8. This left them with no choice but to complete the process without the county’s 47,000 votes if the board did not certify in time. In the end, the dispute concluded only after a state judge ordered the board to certify the results without delay, explaining that the board had no discretion to refuse to certify the results under Arizona law.
Cochise County was not an isolated incident. During the 2022 election cycle, rogue local officials in Otero County, New Mexico; Esmeralda County, Nevada; Berks, Fayette, Lancaster, and Luzerne Counties, Pennsylvania; Surry County, North Carolina; and Mohave County, Arizona all refused or threatened to refuse to certify valid election results based on claims rooted in election denialism — the false idea that the 2020 election was stolen and that widespread fraud continues to pervade our election system.
Republicans will try to steal this election if the counties/state boards don't like the result but I think they'll fail.
Trump could also just win outright.