The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Well-Known Member
I’m about to ban a couple of the posters in this thread if they don’t stop.

Y’all know who you are. Treat each other with respect.
i prefer the Elon musk Twitter freedom of speech model, considering we’re all adults, but I’ll follow the rules.
You said trumps suggestion was to ban abortions after 15 weeks, yet you say he could not ban abortions before 15 weeks


Staff member
i prefer the Elon musk Twitter freedom of speech model, considering we’re all adults, but I’ll follow the rules.
I wish everyone would act like adults.

Y’all want twitter, go to twitter.
Y’all want 4chan, go there.

This place is supposed to be a community of UPSers and surrounding fields. The fact that you could discuss politics was not an invitation to crucify each other for having differing belief systems.


Well-Known Member
The fact is you started this discussion by saying “I’m defending drilling holes in babies skulls and vacuuming their brains”. You say it’s evil. You said what @Next Day Err said that abortion is terminating a pregnancy is “Orwellian nonsense” and “narratives nazis use”

But you don’t say those same things when pointed out that Melania trump supports it. You did not say those same things when trump said he supports abortion under 15 weeks. suddenly then it’s “leaving it up to the states” and not evil nazi ideology


Well-Known Member
I wish everyone would act like adults.

Y’all want twitter, go to twitter.
Y’all want 4chan, go there.

This place is supposed to be a community of UPSers and surrounding fields. The fact that you could discuss politics was not an invitation to crucify each other for having differing belief systems.
Fair enough, I’ll try and do better.

I do think the rule of “not discussing moderator actions” and being banned for it is a little communist China like, and I think if people were really offended by others words they could just hit the ignore button. The fact we all continue to discuss and debate with each other shows no one is truly offended and I think bans are a little snowflakeish, but you make a good point, if I don’t like the rules I can go to a different site.

I’m in favor of changing or amending the rules, I don’t know how others feel, I know the site is under different leadership then when it first started, and rules change, just like our constitution, but I’ll choose to follow the current rules to the best of my ability. I’m sorry if I’m pushing it

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
View attachment 497360

Your religious beliefs about abortion are irrelevant.
Why are you bringing religion into the conversation? Science even agrees that a human life begins at conception.

"According to the scientific consensus, life begins in the womb at the moment of fertilization, when a sperm cell and egg cell fuse to create a single cell called a zygote, marking the start of a unique human organism with its own genetic makeup; this is widely considered the point where a new human life begins."

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Why are you bringing religion into the conversation? Science even agrees that a human life begins at conception.

"According to the scientific consensus, life begins in the womb at the moment of fertilization, when a sperm cell and egg cell fuse to create a single cell called a zygote, marking the start of a unique human organism with its own genetic makeup; this is widely considered the point where a new human life begins."
What date and time does a birth certificate show? Time of birth or time of conception?

Fetuses have no rights.

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
If the foetus be a lifeless excretion, however soon it might have received life, the offence is comparatively as nothing; if the foetus be already, and from the very outset, a human being, alive, however early its stage of development, and existing independently of its mother, though drawing its sustenance from her, the offence becomes, in every stage of pregnancy, MURDER… the ovum does not originate in the uterus; that for a time, however slight, during its passage through the Fallopian tube, its connection with the mother is wholly broken; that its subsequent history is one merely of development, its attachment merely for nutrition and shelter, it is not rational to suppose that its total independence, thus once established, becomes again merged into total identity… or that life… dates from any other epoch than conception.
— North American Medico-Chirurgical Review (1859)


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure you know the president can't ban abortion. So you're just trolling.


So the trumps campaigns suggestion was to not ban killing 14 week and under babies, however they do suggest a ban on killing babies over 15 weeks