The 2024 Presidential Race Thread

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Gotta love Ron's heel lifts.

What, bigots don’t wear cowboy boots???


Strength through joy

The printer reportedly botched over 976,000 voter registration cards and labeled every voter in the county Democrat then it mailed registration cards to Nassau County’s nearly 1 million voters.
Republicans make up over 60% of registered voters in Nassau County which left many Conservatives in the county feeling absolutely blindsided by the error.

Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman told NBC 4 News “We’re already starting to get phone calls from people, saying ‘I’m a registered Republican, I’m a registered Conservative – how come I’m being identified as a Democrat? Who changed my registration?’ And they’re quite upset about it.”


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

The printer reportedly botched over 976,000 voter registration cards and labeled every voter in the county Democrat then it mailed registration cards to Nassau County’s nearly 1 million voters.
Republicans make up over 60% of registered voters in Nassau County which left many Conservatives in the county feeling absolutely blindsided by the error.

Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman told NBC 4 News “We’re already starting to get phone calls from people, saying ‘I’m a registered Republican, I’m a registered Conservative – how come I’m being identified as a Democrat? Who changed my registration?’ And they’re quite upset about it.”
How come the errors are never in the republicans favor?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I guess he could've just insisted people get vaccinated, fired people who refused to, instead of looking at the data and changing his mind. I can see where real leadership would have Democrats confused.
I applaud DeSantis for changing course on Covid, lockdowns and vaccine mandates but it’s unfortunate that anyone was fooled in positions of power, such as his. Hopefully next time leaders will opt for following the constitution and keeping peoples liberty as the most important thing first, Not 2nd.

“Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded – and once they are suspended it is not difficult for anyone who has assumed emergency powers to see to it that the emergency will persist.”

Friedrich Hayek


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to imagine Biden in that situation. He's slurring his speech. It looks like no one's home as looks around the room, confused by the cameras on one side and the voices on the other. He's gently guided away from wandering into the kitchen and toward the customers he's supposed to meet.

You’re probably right. But at least Biden would engage people better than Desantis and he’s like 60 years older.

DeSantis wants to rule people but never engage them.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You’re probably right. But at least Biden would engage people better than Desantis

If you find whatever Biden's mumbling to be the better performance. Pre-stroked out Biden from 10 years ago probably would have done better with a meet and greet than can't-human DeSantis. Now, not so sure.


Well-Known Member
I applaud DeSantis for changing course on Covid, lockdowns and vaccine mandates but it’s unfortunate that anyone was fooled in positions of power, such as his. Hopefully next time leaders will opt for following the constitution and keeping peoples liberty as the most important thing first, Not 2nd.

“Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded – and once they are suspended it is not difficult for anyone who has assumed emergency powers to see to it that the emergency will persist.”

Friedrich Hayek
In fairness at the start they had no way of knowing just how serious it was going to be. For the sake of public safety they had to be cautious. But once the stats started piling up the sensible leaders eased off. The ones who wanted to show the public who was boss held on to the very end. If the public needs an illustration about who cares about personal liberties there was never a better one than the Covid pandemic. But unfortunately the public has a short memory.


Well-Known Member
In fairness at the start they had no way of knowing just how serious it was going to be. For the sake of public safety they had to be cautious. But once the stats started piling up the sensible leaders eased off. The ones who wanted to show the public who was boss held on to the very end. If the public needs an illustration about who cares about personal liberties there was never a better one than the Covid pandemic. But unfortunately the public has a short memory.
There cannot be public safety if you take away peoples liberty. It took me about two weeks to realize what a joke it was that they would close churches and keep liquor stores open. It’s the pretense that all dictators use. I do not think he’s a dictator, but I do believe true leaders have better instincts and understanding than this. I will agree they are few and far between.


Well-Known Member
They cannot be public safety if you take away peoples liberty. It’s the pretense that all dictators use. I do not think he’s a dictator, but I do believe true leaders have better instincts and understanding than this. I will agree they are few and far between.
We haven't seen a pandemic of this size since the Spanish Flu. The concern was it could be as serious. Freedoms don't mean much if hundreds of millions die. So caution had to be taken. They had a much more serious problem with freedom in Australia, for example, than here. And of course China. I think actions of DeSantis and Noem very possibly kept other states from getting too extreme, as in beating people in the streets like they did in Australia.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
We haven't seen a pandemic of this size since the Spanish Flu. The concern was it could be as serious. Freedoms don't mean much if hundreds of millions die. So caution had to be taken. They had a much more serious problem with freedom in Australia, for example, than here. And of course China. I think actions of DeSantis and Noem very possibly kept other states from getting too extreme, as in beating people in the streets like they did in Australia.
They would never have gotten away with beating people in the streets here.


Well-Known Member
We haven't seen a pandemic of this size since the Spanish Flu. The concern was it could be as serious. Freedoms don't mean much if hundreds of millions die. So caution had to be taken. They had a much more serious problem with freedom in Australia, for example, than here. And of course China. I think actions of DeSantis and Noem very possibly kept other states from getting too extreme, as in beating people in the streets like they did in Australia.
We didn’t see a pandemic this time we saw governments all over the world over reacting or pretending and making nonsense rules.
Save for a few countries that kept their head about them such a Sweden. And I’m sorry for the government to tell me. I am locked in my home because of a virus might as well be able to tell me. I also can’t go out because I could trip and fall. You clearly don’t understand what liberty means.. you can’t have public health if you don’t have personal health. And personal health is your own choice.