The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
what choices were those? what did the respiratory therapists and docs want to do instead?
No one cares what you say or think about it. We know it was mostly BS and hospitals were not the place to be. I won’t revisit this nonsense. Better to ignore you.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Please, spare me the BS. You bought into it, period. I never got vaccinated, I’m in the so called at risk group by age. I came in contact with numerous covid infected individuals, never got it. It was over blown. The fact that so many people swallowed the lie only proves how slick they were and how gullible people are. At first it was an unknown, but as time went by you had to see they didn’t have our best interest at heart. They admitted that most people died with at least 4 co morbidities. The hospitals had a financial incentive to declare deaths were from covid.
But, follow the science! Lol
And hindsight is always 20/20.


Well-Known Member
Please, spare me the BS. You bought into it, period. I never got vaccinated, I’m in the so called at risk group by age. I came in contact with numerous covid infected individuals, never got it. It was over blown. The fact that so many people swallowed the lie only proves how slick they were and how gullible people are. At first it was an unknown, but as time went by you had to see they didn’t have our best interest at heart. They admitted that most people died with at least 4 co morbidities. The hospitals had a financial incentive to declare deaths were from covid.
But, follow the science! Lol
And as what happens with every virus happened with covid. The virus mutated, and subsequent mutations were less virulent. Not everyone who got it died you know. But you're going to tell me that the 10,000 or so seniors who died in New York nursing homes in a very short time was just a statistical anomaly. It's statistically impossible. Those were very sick people, it wasn't fake, it wasn't a conspiracy of the government, millions did die around the world. I don't doubt that some deaths were attributed wrongly to covid, may have been the majority of deaths in this country. What do you attribute all those deaths in other countries who don't have a hospital system, an insurance system like ours with the motives to hospitals filling up? Covid affected the very elderly the most. I was worried sick about my parents. A lot of the deniers out there attribute this to a worldwide conspiracy to have a one world government and killing us all with the vaccines to save the planet. I'm going to go with this being a concocted virus in a Chinese military lab that got away from them. Whether on purpose or by accident we'll truly never know. But what I do know is conditions in China are excellent for developing pandemics and most major viruses that affect the rest of the world originate there. And I won't be shocked to see another one in my lifetime. The Spanish Flu did happen, and it originated in China. In recent years the African Swine Fever has killed hundreds of millions of pigs worldwide, particularly in China. Serious viruses do happen.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
And hindsight is always 20/20.
I didn’t need hindsight to tell me masks were a farce, that 6 feet distance was made up, that big box stores could open but small ones had to close. Hindsight only served to prove that the “safe and effective” so called vaccines were neither.


Well-Known Member
And as what happens with every virus happened with covid. The virus mutated, and subsequent mutations were less virulent. Not everyone who got it died you know. But you're going to tell me that the 10,000 or so seniors who died in New York nursing homes in a very short time was just a statistical anomaly. It's statistically impossible. Those were very sick people, it wasn't fake, it wasn't a conspiracy of the government, millions did die around the world. I don't doubt that some deaths were attributed wrongly to covid, may have been the majority of deaths in this country. What do you attribute all those deaths in other countries who don't have a hospital system, an insurance system like ours with the motives filling up? Covid affected the very elderly the most. I was worried sick about my parents. A lot of the deniers out there attribute this to a worldwide conspiracy to have a one world government and killing us all with the vaccines to save the planet. I'm going to go with this being a concocted virus in a Chinese military lab that got away from them. Whether on purpose or by accident we'll truly ever know. But what I do know is conditions in China are excellent for developing pandemics and most major viruses that affect the rest of the world originate there. And I won't be shocked to see another one in my lifetime. The Spanish Flu did happen, and it originated in China. In recent years the African Swine Fever has killed hundreds of millions of pigs worldwide, particularly in China. Serious viruses do happen.
Again, you just admitted viruses mutate big deal every virus does that and those 10,000 people were likely to die one way or the other they just so happen to have a governor who made sure they died quicker in New York.
Again the government made things worse x10
Apparently, you still can’t come to grips with the fact that it was poor choices, and the dereliction of duty by almost every leader at least for a short time, I’m all for giving them credit for what they did right but I will hold their feet to the fire for what they did wrong, so it does not happen again.


Well-Known Member
I didn’t need hindsight to tell me masks were a farce, that 6 feet distance was made up, that big box stores could open but small ones had to close. Hindsight only served to prove that the “safe and effective” so called vaccines were neither.
The so-called medical community went so far as to change vocabulary, and the way viruses work to cover their tracks. That is some real big brother stuff right there.

Even George Orwell would blush


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
But you're going to tell me that the 10,000 or so seniors who died in New York nursing homes in a very short time was just a statistical anomaly. It's statistically impossible. Those were very sick people, it wasn't fake, it wasn't a conspiracy
You’re making my point. People with co-morbidities were most at risk, including the elderly. Knowing that, why push vaccines on those with the lowest risk like children and the very healthy?


Well-Known Member
I didn’t need hindsight to tell me masks were a farce, that 6 feet distance was made up, that big box stores could open but small ones had to close. Hindsight only served to prove that the “safe and effective” so called vaccines were neither.
you have vision problems worse than this corporate fool


Well-Known Member
If we haven’t figured out, the lockdowns were only to reward giant businesses and government and punish regular people and small businesses then you’re really not paying attention to the amazing amount of wealth that was transferred from the poor to the rich in 2020 and 2021


Well-Known Member
You’re making my point. People with co-morbidities were most at risk, including the elderly. Knowing that, why push vaccines on those with the lowest risk like children and the very healthy?
i worked at a LTC home during school and a worker there said covid initially killed 98% of existing residents


Well-Known Member
Again, you just admitted viruses mutate big deal every virus does that and those 10,000 people were likely to die one way or the other they just so happen to have a governor who made sure they died quicker in New York.

Apparently, you still can’t come to grips with the fact that it was poor choices, and the dereliction of duty by almost every leader at least for a short time, I’m all for giving them credit for what they did right but I will hold their feet to the fire for what they did wrong, so it does not happen again.
I can say it until I'm blue in the face. There was no way at the start for anyone to know just how serious this was going to be. Those 10,000 or so died in a very short time near the start of the pandemic. That alone should've set off alarm bells. All you want to hear is anything the government does that infringes on your freedom is wrong. The government has a responsibility to protect the citizenry. Hindsight is 20/20. Y'all seem to have known from the very start that it was all a lie. Amazing intuition.


Well-Known Member
I can say it until I'm blue in the face. There was no way at the start for anyone to know just how serious this was going to be. Those 10,000 or so died in a very short time near the start of the pandemic. That alone should've set off alarm bells. All you want to hear is anything the government does that infringes on your freedom is wrong. The government has a responsibility to protect the citizenry. Hindsight is 20/20. Y'all seem to have known from the very start that it was all a lie. Amazing intuition.
it was very bad for short term profits just like addressing global warming is likely bad for short term profits


Well-Known Member
I can say it until I'm blue in the face. There was no way at the start for anyone to know just how serious this was going to be. Those 10,000 or so died in a very short time near the start of the pandemic. That alone should've set off alarm bells. All you want to hear is anything the government does that infringes on your freedom is wrong. The government has a responsibility to protect the citizenry. Hindsight is 20/20. Y'all seem to have known from the very start that it was all a lie. Amazing intuition.
The government is supposed to follow the constitution. Not make rules and dictates to take my personal liberties and freedoms away, and just like always when they do that, the outcome is disastrous, and this time was no different, and I’ll say that till I’m blue in the face until you admit, that’s right. I didn’t know anything was there wasn’t a lie, but I didn’t know I went to work every day and somehow everyone else stayed in the house. Very curious for a deadly virus.