The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Well-Known Member
We didn’t see a pandemic this time we saw governments all over the world over reacting or pretending and making nonsense rules.
Save for a few countries that kept their head about them such a Sweden. And I’m sorry for the government to tell me. I am locked in my home because of a virus might as well be able to tell me. I also can’t go out because I could trip and fall. You clearly don’t understand what liberty means.. you can’t have public health if you don’t have personal health. And personal health is your own choice.
Millions died. Can try to explain it anyway you like, but the original strain was the most virulent and it killed the most people. Can deny that if you want but in places like India and Ecuador they had bodies stacked up and mass graves dug. Thousands of seniors died in nursing homes in New York because infected patients were sent there. The deniers want to say they were all old and feeble and were dying anyways. Well something put a bunch of them over the edge all at once.

What people like DeSantis realized was that it was the very elderly who were most vulnerable and it wasn't necessary to shut down everyone. The single biggest problem that came out of the pandemic was rushing an unproven technology to market as a vaccine and we're still paying the consequences of that. I truly hope the excess deaths tail off but on the opposite end of this argument are those arguing the vaccines are totally safe yet hundreds of thousands of sudden deaths worldwide of young, healthy adults with the common denominator being they were vaccinated suggests to me something is going on that can't be explained as random chance.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Millions died. Can try to explain it anyway you like, but the original strain was the most virulent and it killed the most people. Can deny that if you want but in places like India and Ecuador they had bodies stacked up and mass graves dug. Thousands of seniors died in nursing homes in New York because infected patients were sent there. The deniers want to say they were all old and feeble and were dying anyways. Well something put a bunch of them over the edge all at once.

What people like DeSantis realized was that it was the very elderly who were most vulnerable and it wasn't necessary to shut down everyone. The single biggest problem that came out of the pandemic was rushing an unproven technology to market as a vaccine and we're still paying the consequences of that. I truly hope the excess deaths tail off but on the opposite end of this argument are those arguing the vaccines are totally safe yet hundreds of thousands of sudden deaths worldwide of young, healthy adults with the common denominator being they were vaccinated suggests to me something is going on that can't be explained as random chance.
Don’t believe everything you read


Well-Known Member
Don’t believe everything you read
So a man dies in his 50's after two weeks in intensive care. Totally congested, can hardly breathe. Do we stand at his bedside and tell him what he has is a fake virus that has been conjured up by the government? That's the difference here. I'm saying there was no way to know at the start how virulent and dangerous this virus was going to be but governors like DeSantis soon realized there was little danger outside of the very elderly and those who are obese(a big chunk of the population) or have other serious issues like diabetes that weaken their system. So he opened up Florida. Y'all are saying it was all fake from the very start and people like DeSantis should have never put any restrictions on it. How did you know it was fake? What testing did you do? I think I'll stick with my theory.


Well-Known Member
Let's say it turned into something like the Spanish Flu. Estimated 500 million infected out of worldwide population of 1.5 billion. 50-100 million estimated dead. Considering today's population we may have been looking at a half billion or more dead with billions very sick. Remember the world is a lot more connected now than in 1918. Considering those numbers do you think it wise to err on the side of caution or do we say damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
So a man dies in his 50's after two weeks in intensive care. Totally congested, can hardly breathe. Do we stand at his bedside and tell him what he has is a fake virus that has been conjured up by the government? That's the difference here. I'm saying there was no way to know at the start how virulent and dangerous this virus was going to be but governors like DeSantis soon realized there was little danger outside of the very elderly and those who are obese(a big chunk of the population) or have other serious issues like diabetes that weaken their system. So he opened up Florida. Y'all are saying it was all fake from the very start and people like DeSantis should have never put any restrictions on it. How did you know it was fake? What testing did you do? I think I'll stick with my theory.
No anecdotal evidence please.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Plenty of factual evidence out there but y'all are in denial.
Please, spare me the BS. You bought into it, period. I never got vaccinated, I’m in the so called at risk group by age. I came in contact with numerous covid infected individuals, never got it. It was over blown. The fact that so many people swallowed the lie only proves how slick they were and how gullible people are. At first it was an unknown, but as time went by you had to see they didn’t have our best interest at heart. They admitted that most people died with at least 4 co morbidities. The hospitals had a financial incentive to declare deaths were from covid.
But, follow the science! Lol


Well-Known Member
Millions died. Can try to explain it anyway you like, but the original strain was the most virulent and it killed the most people. Can deny that if you want but in places like India and Ecuador they had bodies stacked up and mass graves dug. Thousands of seniors died in nursing homes in New York because infected patients were sent there. The deniers want to say they were all old and feeble and were dying anyways. Well something put a bunch of them over the edge all at once.

What people like DeSantis realized was that it was the very elderly who were most vulnerable and it wasn't necessary to shut down everyone. The single biggest problem that came out of the pandemic was rushing an unproven technology to market as a vaccine and we're still paying the consequences of that. I truly hope the excess deaths tail off but on the opposite end of this argument are those arguing the vaccines are totally safe yet hundreds of thousands of sudden deaths worldwide of young, healthy adults with the common denominator being they were vaccinated suggests to me something is going on that can't be explained as random chance.
Millions were going to die anyway if that was the case, your continual decision, even after we know how horrible the decisions worked to support something as draconian lockdowns is interesting.

Not one measure that was taken saved lives, and I would submit that we are still feeling the effects now of people dying due to hunger depression, childhood development, and education, and not to mention the severe damage was done to our liberties for the next generation, who really didn’t understand what liberty met in the first place.

Because of people like you, the next big scary event, weather, real, or imagined, or blown out of proportion, people will also follow along with the next idiots who take their freedoms and liberties away thinking the government will save them. Apparently they missed out on a lot of history and how freedom and liberty are lost.

Do not forget at any time during this supposed pandemic people were free to stay locked in their homes if they wanted to without government, forcing them or threatening them, with all kinds of fines.

How many times through history you would ask yourself I wonder how I would react in the face of something horrible. And when you read history and read about true leaders, making good choices, we always forget there’s more leaders who made poor choices. History will not be kind to the choices that were made.