The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Well-Known Member
But you’re not a hypocrite, so I’m not even worried about you saying it because you’ve called Trump out before on those things.

But, To @newolddude if Trump was a democrat liberal transsexual, in a A throuple relationship, with a married transvestite, and a circus clown he would excoriate you for being a hateful person if you questioned it.
While at the same time acting like the liberal Democrat transexual's anything goes lifestyle is so great we should all be doing that(if said liberal Democrat is helping keeping the Dem's in power).


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
The Green Party candidate? Cornel West 2024. Will he get enough swing state- guilt ridden, white liberal voters and black Dem voters to make a difference?




Well-Known Member
Yeah, he should be working on eliminating hurricanes. Are you really that dumb?
The problem is man-made with roofing and other insurance fraud.

  • Florida accounts for only 9 percent of the country’s home insurance claims but 79 percent of its home insurance lawsuits, many of them fraudulent.
  • Because of the fraudulent lawsuits and the high overall claim risk in Florida, insurance companies have faced two consecutive years with net underwriting losses over $1 billion.

State regulators say upside-down laws that allow contractors and lawyers to gouge insurers for triple what insurance claims are actually worth in some areas have created a legal sinkhole. And it’s threatening to swamp them even during years when there are no storms.

The problem is Desantis isn't fixing the problem and actually making it worse with the laws he's passed.
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Well-Known Member

Florida has long been a haven for scammers, with laws that made insurance companies especially vulnerable to lawsuits. Until recently, Florida had “one-way attorney’s fees,” which meant that insurers had to pay the legal fees of any policyholder who sued and won, while insurers had to pay their own legal costs if they won. Another quirk of Florida law was the ability of policyholders to “assign” benefits to a third party, such as a contractor, who would sue the insurer on their behalf, sometimes without the policyholder's awareness.

Yes, the issues pre-date DeSantis. The problem is he's not fixing the issues and if anything, making them worse by not taking action or taking the wrong actions.


Well-Known Member

Yes, the issues pre-date DeSantis. The problem is he's not fixing the issues and if anything, making them worse by not taking action or taking the wrong actions.
Hmm, sounds like a trip to Jerusalem is in order.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
The problem is man-made with roofing and other insurance fraud.

The problem is Desantis isn't fixing the problem and actually making it worse with the laws he's passed.
What laws are those?


Well-Known Member
What laws are those?
Read the articles I posted.

Laws that overly favor lawyers and shady contractors. I'm not white knighting for the insurance industry but it's a number of laws and mechanics of the Florida courts that get passed on to the consumer.

I know you'll decry it as faker liberal news: but here's a CNN article with key points/

The insurance industry insists that the state’s risk from hurricanes is only part of the problem, and points to a legal system it says promoted litigation abuse and excess claims.

“This is a man-made crisis,” said Mark Friedlander, spokesperson for the Insurance Information Institute, who is based in Florida. The insurance industry pushed for and won a number of reforms meant to curb what it saw as abuse, but so far it hasn’t changed the outlook for insurers, partly because of a flood of nearly 300,000 lawsuits the III said was filed just before the law took effect.

...for the most part Florida has gotten off fairly easy in recent years, with no hurricanes making landfall in the state from 2019 through 2021.


Well-Known Member
Build right so homes can take a hurricane. Want to live in a high risk area? Self insure or pay super high premiums.
All true.

But insurance in Florida shouldn't be this expensive and insurance companies shouldn't be getting run out of the state. Ambulance chasing lawyers and fraudster contractors shouldn't be making life hell for consumers. The state of Florida and Governor DeSantis should be taking actions: but they aren't.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.