The 2024 Presidential Race Thread

Yeah, that guy. There's no evidence of any of that but our "Justice" Dept is going after him to keep him from testifying before Congress. He has direct knowledge of a Chinese energy company paying money to Hunter and Jim Biden. This guy is no lightweight. He headed a thinktank in D.C. for 20 years. Was in China consulting with this energy company when he was made aware of payments be made to the Bidens.
And now he’s a criminal.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
"Virgins" in Trump's book must be dudes who don't sleep with porn whores while his wife is pregnant.
Kind of judgmental from someone like you who says it’s none of your business what people do in their personal life. His wife is still with him if he did it, so how is it your problem or is it just because it’s Trump?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Kind of judgmental from someone like you who says it’s none of your business what people do in their personal life. His wife is still with him if he did it, so how is it your problem or is it just because it’s Trump?

Well, he is publicly calling a seemingly happily married man with kids a virgin. Sounds like he's interested in talking about personal lives.


Well-Known Member
Well, he is publicly calling a seemingly happily married man with kids a virgin. Sounds like he's interested in talking about personal lives.
I’m not talking about trump I’m talking about @newolddude who says he is fine with peoples lifestyle unless it’s somebody he doesn’t like. Trump I could care less about unfortunately @newolddude is even more of a maroon than Trump. I just enjoy exposing a hypocrite, such as him.


Well-Known Member
I’m not talking about trump I’m talking about @newolddude who says he is fine with peoples lifestyle unless it’s somebody he doesn’t like. Trump I could care less about unfortunately @newolddude is even more of a maroon than Trump. I just enjoy exposing a hypocrite, such as him.

Nice attempt to justify/celebrate Trump's infidelities by trying (and failing) to twist it back as some sort of flaw in me.


Well-Known Member
Nice attempt to justify/celebrate Trump's infidelities by trying (and failing) to twist it back as some sort of flaw in me.
Why am I justifying and why do I care and why do you care? How do you know they don’t have an open relationship? You’re such a hypocrite I thought everybody’s personal relationship was just fine. If it works for them? so you’re full of crap. Exposing you is easy because you don’t have a brain in your head.


Well-Known Member
Nice attempt to justify/celebrate Trump's infidelities by trying (and failing) to twist it back as some sort of flaw in me.
If Trump's infidelities are fair game(they are), then Biden refusing to acknowledge his granddaughter, a product of his son's infidelities, is certainly fair game also.


Well-Known Member
If Trump's infidelities are fair game(they are), then Biden refusing to acknowledge his granddaughter, a product of his son's infidelities, is certainly fair game also.
But you’re not a hypocrite, so I’m not even worried about you saying it because you’ve called Trump out before on those things.

But, To @newolddude if Trump was a democrat liberal transsexual, in a A throuple relationship, with a married transvestite, and a circus clown he would excoriate you for being a hateful person if you questioned it.