The big bang theory

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The tadpole grower doesn’t like the God l chose.

Choose whoever you want tadpole. You said there hundreds out there. Have at it. Why should you attack the one I chose?
You read? The verse says, you can choose or don’t choose and do the tadpole dance.
Sounds leftist attacking the God I chose.
Cool. You have no reason for someone to choose your creator over any other one. Sounds arbitrary.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Cool. You have no reason for someone to choose your creator over any other one. Sounds arbitrary.
I’ve got plenty of reasons/ facts for someone ( I’m included in the someone)to choose my creator over any other. That’s why I chose him.
You? Whatever makes the tadpole swim out of the pond.


I'm a star
That is a very black and white and dangerous point of view.
It’s entirely possible to actively believe “I don’t know, and I couldn’t prove it even I claimed to know.”
Without being Hitler or having aspergers.
We are our own gods, as in, our actions and level of commitment and dedication to our tasks dictate the kind of life we have.
Praying to something you HOPE exists because it makes things better or easier in your head, to me, THAT’s mental disorder.

On an unconscious level you are already submitting to the authority of someone or something, because there is a part of your mind dedicated to finding and reacting to that which might cause you harm. You could live your life without the awareness of the unknown, that's true. But most people simply assume that someone else is taking care of it. The one who is "taking care of the unknown" is God to that person.

Netsua 3:16

On an unconscious level you are already submitting to the authority of someone or something, because there is a part of your mind dedicated to finding and reacting to that which might cause you harm. You could live your life without the awareness of the unknown, that's true. But most people simply assume that someone else is taking care of it. The one who is "taking care of the unknown" is God to that person.
I’ve certainly encountered that sentiment before, you’re not wrong there. Its just as ignorant perceptively to “give up” spirituality altogether as it is perceptively ignorant to be religious.

I WANT to know the truth. I certainly have a “point of view” pertaining to our creation and life’s big questions; but I don’t believe what I can’t prove. I can, and certainly do HOPE; but never for any specific religious belief to be true, nor to satisfy the never ending quest for knowledge.
Church is not a bad thing, I’ve participated in many services with close friends/girlfriends whom it is important to. That’s what a good friend does.

Religion is not a bad thing. Hope is not a bad thing, beliefs are dangerous, but not inherently bad.
Extremist anything is dangerous. That’s the only pole I pitch in this arena


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Who said "missing link?" The Neanderthals were a different species of human.
It’s written.
Lots of cave dwellers in the Patriarchal age. Lots of artists.
Why make them “ different “ humans.
I know several people who if you would take their intact skulls, they would make perfect Neanderthals ... dumber than dirt, too.
But, hey, still just as human as me.
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Well-Known Member
Do you understand how the process works? If people have mitochondria from both parents in all their cells, and scientists formulate theories based on the belief that they only get them from their mother, that might throw off their conclusions just a bit, agreed?
Theories are just that, theory. There are so many assumptions being made in science all the time, that just about anything they come up with that is reasonably close to reality is as likely due to dumb luck as it is the methodology.

We can't even explain the most fundamental aspects of reality, matter and consciousness. How arrogant do we have to be to believe we can explain things that are even more complicated if we can't understand the basics?

That being said, I'm not anti-science. Mostly anti-idiot scientist and idiot-scientist believer, which is most people. All science should be held with an extreme degree of skeptism. Everyone should understand that, and behave accordingly.

Sorry, just ranting. It's not directed at you. I enjoy reading about new scientific discoveries as well. It's like getting a finger painting from a kindergartener.
Doesn't change the fact that mothers pass down mitochondrial DNA to their children. That study "suggests" "some" might also come from fathers. It's not some conspiracy but it does sound like you want to take what might be the case and make it absolutely the case in order to disprove what you don't approve.


Well-Known Member
It’s written.
Lots of cave dwellers in the Patriarchal age. Lots of artists.
Why make them “ different “ humans.
I know several people who if you would take their intact skulls, they would make perfect Neanderthals ... dumber than dirt, too.
But, hey, still just as human as me.
So is the Earth only about 6000-8000 years old? Carbon dating a hoax? When I went out west for the first time and saw the Grand Canyon I realized that there was no way that happened in 8000 years.

We know from the size of their bones, the shape of their skulls that Neanderthals were different from us. There was no one off freak show found in a cave somewhere. Consistent bones found in many locations, all the same, and all very different from modern man. And Neanderthals weren't the only different human species found but those were found in much smaller numbers.


Bad Moon Risen'
Tom is providing circumstantial evidence for the historical relevance of the Bible.

While God is revealed in Scripture, He is not defined solely by it. For example, the American Indian subscribed to the Great Spirit never having read a single word of Scripture, because God is evident even without text.

God speaks with a tiny voice that we must be silent to hear. You constantly scream in sin to drown out His voice.
So who is the greater god? Your God or the Great Spirit?

El Correcto

god is dead
We are now 17 pages in this claim of scientific proof of the Christian God. So far we got some strong contenders for stupidest proof of god.
Angels banged humans and created giants is in the lead, with Neanderthals aren’t real neck and neck with Noah’s Ark is in Turkey.

Still waiting for proof of God.

El Correcto

god is dead
Secret? Lol. Not at all. You project.
What is out in the open for all to see and know is plenty for me to make a choice.
You? What ever compels the tadpole to start swimmin’.
Open for us to see and mock you for it.
Why not explain to these people Tommy’s Laws of Nature and gay sex is akin to murder theory?

You are a very unreasonable individual.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
So is the Earth only about 6000-8000 years old? Carbon dating a hoax? When I went out west for the first time and saw the Grand Canyon I realized that there was no way that happened in 8000 years.
Projecting. I already stated in this thread, I don’t know how old the earth is and you don’t either. I have some thoughts and ideas about those things, but that’s all. It is interesting but not vital for me to know .
Grand Canyon? The scripture states the earth was deluged with rain 24/7 but also the fountains of the earth spewed upward.Think what a 1/2 garden hose can do to your yard in 5 minutes.
Carbon dating? “How old is that rock?” .. “ It’s 10 million years old .”... “How do you know?” ... “ Because we dated off that rock over there that’s 7 million years old.”

We know from the size of their bones, the shape of their skulls that Neanderthals were different from us. There was no one off freak show found in a cave somewhere. Consistent bones found in many locations, all the same, and all very different from modern man. And Neanderthals weren't the only different human species found but those were found in much smaller numbers.
Ooga chucka ooga chucka ooga ooga

El Correcto

god is dead
Projecting. I already stated in this thread, I don’t know how old the earth is and you don’t either. I have some thoughts and ideas about those things, but that’s all. It is interesting but not vital for me to know .
Grand Canyon? The scripture states the earth was deluged with rain 24/7 but also the fountains of the earth spewed upward.Think what a 1/2 garden hose can do to your yard in 5 minutes.
Carbon dating? “How old is that rock?” .. “ It’s 10 million years old .”... “How do you know?” ... “ Because we dated off that rock over there that’s 7 million years old.”

Ooga chucka ooga chucka ooga ooga


I'm a star
I’ve certainly encountered that sentiment before, you’re not wrong there. Its just as ignorant perceptively to “give up” spirituality altogether as it is perceptively ignorant to be religious.

I WANT to know the truth. I certainly have a “point of view” pertaining to our creation and life’s big questions; but I don’t believe what I can’t prove. I can, and certainly do HOPE; but never for any specific religious belief to be true, nor to satisfy the never ending quest for knowledge.
Church is not a bad thing, I’ve participated in many services with close friends/girlfriends whom it is important to. That’s what a good friend does.

Religion is not a bad thing. Hope is not a bad thing, beliefs are dangerous, but not inherently bad.
Extremist anything is dangerous. That’s the only pole I pitch in this arena

One man's extremism is another's moderation. If you dig down to the center of your own consciousness, you will find that your mind is the only thing that you can know to exist. Everything beyond that I built upon a belief that you can trust your senses to any extent at all. Everything you think you know or understand is a belief or an assumption.

Some use that reality as a basis to affirm a nihilistic world view. This is pessimism of weakness. I choose to embrace the fact that it is absurd to think I could ever truly understand or know anything, and go ahead and try anyway. After all, if I am to accept that I am all I can ever know, then my authority is all that is needed to accept my senses as trustworthy. If we are our own gods, what terrible and frightful gods we be.