The big bang theory


Well-Known Member
Projecting. I already stated in this thread, I don’t know how old the earth is and you don’t either. I have some thoughts and ideas about those things, but that’s all. It is interesting but not vital for me to know .
Grand Canyon? The scripture states the earth was deluged with rain 24/7 but also the fountains of the earth spewed upward.Think what a 1/2 garden hose can do to your yard in 5 minutes.
Carbon dating? “How old is that rock?” .. “ It’s 10 million years old .”... “How do you know?” ... “ Because we dated off that rock over there that’s 7 million years old.”

Ooga chucka ooga chucka ooga ooga
So why didn't the great flood carve out Grand Canyons everywhere? And a lot of the Grand Canyon is from wind, not water, erosion. A major reason there is such a great divide in this country, no pun intended, is because many refuse to accept provable scientific fact if it doesn't jibe with their beliefs.


I'm a star
Doesn't change the fact that mothers pass down mitochondrial DNA to their children. That study "suggests" "some" might also come from fathers. It's not some conspiracy but it does sound like you want to take what might be the case and make it absolutely the case in order to disprove what you don't approve.

Not trying to disprove anything. I am trying to show that it is absurd to think we can draw conclusions from limited information and hope to find anything meaningful in it. Not saying we shouldn't try. But we don't know what we don't know, and what we don't know about mitochondrial DNA can very well turn what we believe we know on its head. Apply that to any philosophical/scientific endeavor. This attitude helps to prevent settling into dogmatic ways of thinking.

Netsua 3:16

One man's extremism is another's moderation. If you dig down to the center of your own consciousness, you will find that your mind is the only thing that you can know to exist. Everything beyond that I built upon a belief that you can trust your senses to any extent at all. Everything you think you know or understand is a belief or an assumption.

Some use that reality as a basis to affirm a nihilistic world view. This is pessimism of weakness. I choose to embrace the fact that it is absurd to think I could ever truly understand or know anything, and go ahead and try anyway. After all, if I am to accept that I am all I can ever know, then my authority is all that is needed to accept my senses as trustworthy. If we are our own gods, what terrible and frightful gods we be.
You are a personally responsible religious person. That’s all that I ask: that it be a true reflection of your concentrated beliefs and spirituality, and not allow it to become a tool to use against society or perceived “enemies.”
Practice what you want; I’m especially supportive if the practice encourages being fruitful, or just kind in general.

Netsua 3:16

And @zubenelgenubi, as far as us being our own gods, it’s merely a reference to our own ultimate personal responsibility. Beyond that, I make zero spiritual claims pertaining to us being “god.”
I do believe, that we are much more powerful than we are allowing ourselves access to be.
I know for a fact that when you set a goal and focus your energy on it day after day, allow the goal to consume you....if you do not quit, you WILL achieve the goal; or at least come close, and along the way achieve a personal power and freedom that comes with pushing yourself to the limit. Our actions and thoughts are extremely impactful.
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Well-Known Member
Not trying to disprove anything. I am trying to show that it is absurd to think we can draw conclusions from limited information and hope to find anything meaningful in it. Not saying we shouldn't try. But we don't know what we don't know, and what we don't know about mitochondrial DNA can very well turn what we believe we know on its head. Apply that to any philosophical/scientific endeavor. This attitude helps to prevent settling into dogmatic ways of thinking.
But you're assuming we have very limited info on mitochondrial DNA as if there hasn't been extensive research done on it. Scientists are just stumbling around in the dark. And use an article that clearly states that it's possible that some comes down through the father as if that's concrete proof that proves your assertion. And it was never for me about whether mothers alone pass it along. It was about scientists studying DNA that's passed down outside of the DNA in chromosomes and discovering that they can trace mutations that occur in population groups. That's all. Nothing earth shattering. But very significant.

For those that insist on denying science I would say look around you. Everything we have today isn't because God sent us cars, airplanes, computers. We have all these things we take for granted because for centuries men studied the world around them. Long ago when our world was, by today's standards, primitive, men were developing mathematics. Figuring out gravity. Learning our relationship to stars in different seasons for sea navigation. They laid a groundwork that was built on over time, often studying minutia like mitochondrial DNA, amoebas, rock strata, you name it. This isn't about proving there is no God. I believe he gave us the power to reason and improve our lives. As the great philosophers En Vogue once stated:"Free your mind and the rest will follow."


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
But you're assuming we have very limited info on mitochondrial DNA as if there hasn't been extensive research done on it. Scientists are just stumbling around in the dark. And use an article that clearly states that it's possible that some comes down through the father as if that's concrete proof that proves your assertion. And it was never for me about whether mothers alone pass it along. It was about scientists studying DNA that's passed down outside of the DNA in chromosomes and discovering that they can trace mutations that occur in population groups. That's all. Nothing earth shattering. But very significant.

For those that insist on denying science I would say look around you. Everything we have today isn't because God sent us cars, airplanes, computers. We have all these things we take for granted because for centuries men studied the world around them. Long ago when our world was by today's standards primitive men were developing mathematics. Figuring out gravity. Learning our relationship to stars in different seasons for sea navigation. They laid a groundwork that was built on over time, often studying minutia like mitochondrial DNA, amoebas, rock strata, you name it. This isn't about proving there is no God. I believe he gave us the power to reason and improve our lives. As the great philosophers En Vogue once stated:"Free your mind and the rest will follow."
DNA for me proved even more the complexity of the design and the impossibility that human existence was chance. No chance it was chance.
One can only wonder what science will discover around the corner that will only solidify once again, the existence of the Creator.


Well-Known Member
You are a personally responsible religious person. That’s all that I ask: that it be a true reflection of your concentrated beliefs and spirituality, and not allow it to become a tool to use against society or perceived “enemies.”
Practice what you want; I’m especially supportive if the practice encourages being fruitful, or just kind in general.
And that works both ways. Recently had an argument on the FedEx forum where some vehemently denied Christianity was a civilizing influence on Western civilization. I think the world is a better place because many millions are trying to be good to their fellow man. Not take by brute force. But some so despise Christianity that they lump the sincere with the hypocrites and refuse to see a difference. I always thought it was ironic that Iraq had the largest Christian population in the Middle East, about 2 million. Saddam Hussein recognized the value of a group that large that obeyed the law and were productive contributors to society. He protected them. We took him out and thousands were killed and pretty much the rest fled the country. Monasteries built in the 4th century with priceless artifacts were destroyed. Insane world we live in.

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
I always thought it was ironic that Iraq had the largest Christian population in the Middle East, about 2 million. Saddam Hussein recognized the value of a group that large that obeyed the law and were productive contributors to society. He protected them. We took him out and thousands were killed and pretty much the rest fled the country.
Wow I did not know that. I need to actually read your posts instead of skimming lmao.

Did you see in China where they're banning bible apps now?

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
You are a personally responsible religious person. That’s all that I ask: that it be a true reflection of your concentrated beliefs and spirituality, and not allow it to become a tool to use against society or perceived “enemies.”
Practice what you want; I’m especially supportive if the practice encourages being fruitful, or just kind in general.
Jesus calls for us to witness and create disciples, to be wise as a serpent but gentle as a dove.

He said that we will be ridiculed and hated but to love our enemies.

This is who Jesus is, anything rude that I've posted or anything rude that any self proclaiming Christian has posted is a result of our own sin, not the teaching of Christ. I am a sinner as well.

Netsua 3:16

Jesus calls for us to witness and create disciples, to be wise as a serpent but gentle as a dove.

He said that we will be ridiculed and hated but to love our enemies.

This is who Jesus is, anything rude that I've posted or anything rude that any self proclaiming Christian has posted is a result of our own sin, not the teaching of Christ. I am a sinner as well.
Then you are truly devoted to the sanctity of your practice and I have nothing but admiration for that.