The big bang theory


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I elk

its a start.
Yeah, it's a start.
After that bang we go to the general theory of evolution which claims that all life forms on earth developed by chance from one single-celled organism which came to life from non-living matter.
It only gets better.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
With the weapons, tools, evidence of fire, and cave art I'm going to guess an intelligent primate. They were built very stocky. It's estimated by bone density and size that even the women had the strength of three homo sapien males.
Careful slinging the word homo around stocky built cave dwellers. WrongDong is on this thread.
With the weapons, tools, evidence of fire, and cave art I'm going to guess an intelligent primate. They were built very stocky. It's estimated by bone density and size that even the women had the strength of three homo sapien males.
I've watched the Flintstones, too.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Nowhere. Nothing existed. But, Big Bang people get a pass ( just this once) that something came from nothing.

Well, since the matter just appeared out of nothing, the excitement was unparalleled and that caused a bunch of energy that didn't know what do do but explode.

After the bang, the precision and natural laws were set in perfect order. Not withstanding, the odds of that happening is 1 in about a kzillion x a billion killzillions..but the bangers have been on a roll ever since something came from nothing.
Are you arguing that the laws of physics change?


Well-Known Member
I elk

its a start. We are in our infancy of understanding space maybe even toddlers if you’re optimistic.
I don’t see why you want to add the need to prove a creator to the scenario. Where did the creator come from? It’s stupid to assume the energy just always existed, but not stupid to assume the creator of the energy always existed?
Duns Scotus, building on St. Aquinas' work, argues, virtually irrefutably, that belief in a Creator is a conclusion reached by a sound understanding of logical progression.

Forgive me for not wanting to unpack dense theological ideas, which will be substituted with the following Wiki excerpt.

  1. Something can be produced.
  2. It is produced by itself, something or another.
  3. Not by nothing, because nothing causes nothing.
  4. Not by itself, because an effect never causes itself.
  5. Therefore, by another A.
  6. If A is first then we have reached the conclusion.
  7. If A is not first, then we return to 2).
  8. From 3) and 4), we produce another- B. The ascending series is either infinite or finite.
  9. An infinite series is not possible.
  10. Therefore, God exists.

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
I don’t need to answer your questions. I don’t need to reply to every random belief you decide I believe in without evidence. Why don’t you admit your intent was to insult? Why pretend it wasn’t? What’s the point? We all know you’re lying.
I can admit that I said it with cynicism in my heart.

You're the one who felt insulted by it. And that's your own fault.

Those words individually put together in a sentence as such do not constitute a personal attack. Sorry.


I'm a star
But you're assuming we have very limited info on mitochondrial DNA as if there hasn't been extensive research done on it. Scientists are just stumbling around in the dark. And use an article that clearly states that it's possible that some comes down through the father as if that's concrete proof that proves your assertion. And it was never for me about whether mothers alone pass it along. It was about scientists studying DNA that's passed down outside of the DNA in chromosomes and discovering that they can trace mutations that occur in population groups. That's all. Nothing earth shattering. But very significant.
My point was that if their modeling was based on the assumption that mitochondria only pass on through the mother, that would throw off any conclusions they came to. You also are assuming they know a lot about mitochondrial DNA because they "researched" it. The idea that they can "track mutations" is also based on assumptions.

For those that insist on denying science I would say look around you.
Nobody is denying that the scientific method is a good tool.
Everything we have today isn't because God sent us cars, airplanes, computers.
Mechanical engineering and physics are quite a bit more straight forward than biology.

We have all these things we take for granted because for centuries men studied the world around them. Long ago when our world was, by today's standards, primitive, men were developing mathematics. Figuring out gravity. Learning our relationship to stars in different seasons for sea navigation. They laid a groundwork that was built on over time, often studying minutia like mitochondrial DNA, amoebas, rock strata, you name it. This isn't about proving there is no God. I believe he gave us the power to reason and improve our lives. As the great philosophers En Vogue once stated:"Free your mind and the rest will follow."
Again, no one is denying the scientific method is a good tool.


Well-Known Member
Usually the people decrying other's "disregard" of science don't even know what the Scientific Method is, and that it was first put forth by the Franciscan (Catholic) Roger Bacon.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Nowhere. Nothing existed. But, Big Bang people get a pass ( just this once) that something came from nothing.

Well, since the matter just appeared out of nothing, the excitement was unparalleled and that caused a bunch of energy that didn't know what do do but explode.

After the bang, the precision and natural laws were set in perfect order. Not withstanding, the odds of that happening is 1 in about a kzillion x a billion killzillions..but the bangers have been on a roll ever since something came from nothing.
It wasn’t a Big Bang unless someone was there to hear it.

God hears everything.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Where did the creator come from? It’s stupid to assume the energy just always existed, but not stupid to assume the creator of the energy always existed?
Going out on a limb, fren.
Who made God? Nobody. God is the creator of all things. God didn’t even create God, for God has existed for all time, even before there was what we call time. Tough for the physical man( that is all we know) to understand an eternal spiritual being, much less know all things that would entail.
God is eternal. We are not eternal, so it is very hard for us to grasp the idea of what it is to be eternal (always was and always will be)
Nature and the Scriptures are that revelation of God. We shall know more when faith becomes sight, that is, when we stand before him and are able to spend eternity in heaven with him.
The Bible starts with the fact, that God existed before anything else was created: “In the beginning, God

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
Going out on a limb, fren.
Who made God? Nobody. God is the creator of all things. God didn’t even create God, for God has existed for all time, even before there was what we call time. Tough for the physical man( that is all we know) to understand an eternal spiritual being, much less know all things that would entail.
God is eternal. We are not eternal, so it is very hard for us to grasp the idea of what it is to be eternal (always was and always will be)
Nature and the Scriptures are that revelation of God. We shall know more when faith becomes sight, that is, when we stand before him and are able to spend eternity in heaven with him.
The Bible starts with the fact, that God existed before anything else was created: “In the beginning, God
He created space time and matter all at the same time. Incredible.


Bad Moon Risen'
Nowhere. Nothing existed. But, Big Bang people get a pass ( just this once) that something came from nothing.

Well, since the matter just appeared out of nothing, the excitement was unparalleled and that caused a bunch of energy that didn't know what do do but explode.

After the bang, the precision and natural laws were set in perfect order. Not withstanding, the odds of that happening is 1 in about a kzillion x a billion killzillions..but the bangers have been on a roll ever since something came from nothing.
Let's assume the God theory is true.

Where did he/she/it come from? Nothing?

How did something all powerful form from nothing?