The big bang theory


Bad Moon Risen'
Well, for one, that is part of the definition of "our" God. If a creator created the universe, then that creator would be "our" God.

I'm almost certain that god is not a tortoise carrying the world on its back, NASA disproved that one with their cgi photos. :laughing:
Who/what created your Creator?


Bad Moon Risen'
lets assume the evolution theory turns out to be fact. where did the first living organism come from.

what is the process that turned a lump of clay into a living organism and why can it not be reproduced?
Our knowledge of science is still in its infancy. Give it time and someone might figure it out.

El Correcto

god is dead
How so?
Facts please.
Okay, let’s look at it literally not figuratively.
Earth was not created in six days, man was not created during the beginning of earth formation, days within it’s existence. If you say other wise you’re just a maroon.
That alone should throw your creationist myth out the window.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Okay, let’s look at it literally not figuratively.
Earth was not created in six days, man was not created during the beginning of earth formation days within it’s existence. If you say other wise you’re just a maroon.
That alone should throw your creationist myth out the window.
You're the maroon. You don't know the power of God.
Not just the earth. But everything physical.

Without going into detail , look at the order of what was created. What was needed for survival that was created on day 3 , was created on day 2 and 1. Day 4 couldn't make it without 1, 2, 3 etc.
Oh yeah... billions of years do not have an evening and a morning.

Moses don't lie and wasn't into figurative language concerning creation....
"For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.--- Ex. 20:11

El Correcto

god is dead
Oh yeah... billions of years do not have an evening and a morning.
Earth had mornings and evenings long before man could ever see them, just like Venus or Mars has “mornings and evenings”. Just because life isn’t there to witness the planet’s rotation on it’s axis doesn’t mean the planet didn’t rotate long before it.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Who/what created your Creator?
Who made God? Nobody. God is the creator of all things. God didn’t even create God, for God has existed for all time, even before there was what we call time. Tough for the physical man( that is all we know) to understand an eternal spiritual being, much less know all things that would entail.
God is eternal. We are not eternal, so it is very hard for us to grasp the idea of what it is to be eternal (always was and always will be)
Nature and the Scriptures are that revelation of God. We shall know more when faith becomes sight, that is, when we stand before him and are able to spend eternity in heaven with him.
The Bible starts with the fact, that God existed before anything else was created: “In the beginning, God

El Correcto

god is dead
You're the maroon. You don't know the power of God.
Not just the earth. But everything physical.

Without going into detail , look at the order of what was created. What was needed for survival that was created on day 3 , was created on day 2 and 1. Day 4 couldn't make it without 1, 2, 3 etc.
Oh yeah... billions of years do not have an evening and a morning.

Moses don't lie and wasn't into figurative language concerning creation....
"For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.--- Ex. 20:11
Young earth creationists are truly the lowest of the low religious zealots. Deniers of provable scientific facts in favor of their stupid fairy tales.

El Correcto

god is dead
Facts please.

Geological history of the earth, in an easy cartoon picture you can understand.


I'm a star
Yes and your silly creationist story has been disproven as well. They begin to say it’s not a literal story but a figurative one, but then not grant the figurative status to other religious texts.

very illogical and stupid stuff buddy.

It's been disproven? Lol. News to me. Oh, you mean theoretically. Sure, theoretically everything just scientifically appeared out of nowhere, organic life sprang scientifically from inorganic material. Science has no explanation for either phenomenon, but we'll just take it on faith, very scientifically, of course. :lol:

Here's the problem, you have to elevate science above the supernatural in order to scientifically "prove" God. That makes science your religion. Talk about stupid and illogical.

El Correcto

god is dead
All assumption, speculation and theory. Some disproven. Very scientific.
What you call speculation, I call observation, what you call theory I call provable mathematics.
Radiation decay of certain elements at a predictable rate proves within a margin of error millions of years on the scale of billions of years the date of certain objects. It proves within a margin of error and even granting you the margin of error your :censored2: creationist myth would still be disproven.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Young earth creationists are truly the lowest of the low religious zealots. Deniers of provable scientific facts in favor of their stupid fairy tales.
Projection. I don't know how old the earth is.
Earth had mornings and evenings long before man could ever see them, just like Venus or Mars has “mornings and evenings”. Just because life isn’t there to witness the planet’s rotation on it’s axis doesn’t mean the planet didn’t rotate long before it.
Is that a fact? lol Tell me more..

View attachment 336483
Geological history of the earth, in an easy cartoon picture you can understand.
You're right. This is a cartoon.
I like the colors. And the content is hilarious.
I seen this chart before you were born. There have been some changes but not much.
Yes...the formation of the earth and life started to form.....Nothing but facts

I have to tell you, if I never heard the word God, I couldn't believe this s* for nothing and I don't see how any rational person could.
From algae to man.
Live it up tadpole.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Deniers of provable scientific facts
Still missing those facts.
their stupid fairy tales.
Like I said...You're fairy has the best plot by far....
Read how nothing can become something if given billions and billions of years and how algae becomes a tadpole and billions and billions of years later is a man waling on dry ground,
No one can top that tale, fren.

El Correcto

god is dead
Still missing those facts.

Like I said...You're fairy has the best plot by far....
Read how nothing can become something if given billions and billions of years and how algae becomes a tadpole and billions and billions of years later is a man waling on dry ground,
No one can top that tale, fren.
We are not even discussing evolution try to keep up. Dating the age and formation of the earth fren.