The big bang theory

El Correcto

god is dead


I'm a star
What you call speculation, I call observation, what you call theory I call provable mathematics.
Radiation decay of certain elements at a predictable rate proves within a margin of error millions of years on the scale of billions of years the date of certain objects. It proves within a margin of error and even granting you the margin of error your * creationist myth would still be disproven.

Radio dating depends on several assumptions. Mathematics is built on hypotheticals and assumptions. Preach that faith, though, brother.

El Correcto

god is dead
Radio dating depends on several assumptions. Mathematics is built on hypotheticals and assumptions. Preach that faith, though, brother.
Let’s throw mathematics under the bus now to praise the jew god without any proof!


Well-Known Member
I just enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy of people that claim a spiritual superiority and act like total d-bags. The guy thinks he can be a terrible person as long as he says sorry afterwards. It’s a structural flaw in Christianity.
you definition is anyone defending their religious beliefs is showing spiritual superiority?


Well-Known Member
Intentional infliction of harm on other people for no other reason than to cause harm is a pretty straight forward one. Not a lot of grey area. I don’t need someone else to right that in a book for me to understand it.
i never realized you were so angry with muslims


I'm a star
K now discredit lead lead dating.
The concept of common Pb–Pb dating (also referred to as whole rock lead isotope dating) was deduced through mathematical manipulation of the above equations.[1] It was established by dividing the first equation above by the second, under the assumption that the U/Pb system was undisturbed. This rearranged equation formed:

El Correcto

god is dead
The concept of common Pb–Pb dating (also referred to as whole rock lead isotope dating) was deduced through mathematical manipulation of the above equations.[1] It was established by dividing the first equation above by the second, under the assumption that the U/Pb system was undisturbed. This rearranged equation formed:
Okay now post your source

El Correcto

god is dead
The concept of common Pb–Pb dating (also referred to as whole rock lead isotope dating) was deduced through mathematical manipulation of the above equations.[1] It was established by dividing the first equation above by the second, under the assumption that the U/Pb system was undisturbed. This rearranged equation formed:
It has an admitted margin of error, even with the margin of error it leaves no room for human beings to be around in the first week of creation. That is pure Jewish fantasy land.

El Correcto

god is dead
you could probably end this discussion and claim victory if you would just stick a lump of clay in a microwave and create a life form?
That wouldn’t disprove a creator casting the original die that led to life.
I’m not trying to disprove a creator, I don’t know that.

But the Christian creationist myth doesn’t need to be disproved by creating life, it can be disproved just by what we know about the earth’s history. It’s not some week long creation with man on it since the beginning week.

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
I think the real reason people (pretend to) believe in god is because they’re afraid to confront reality, and themselves.
Oh yeah? Ever tried chasing Christ? It isnt easy giving up all my bad habits. Pornogrophy, pot, alcohol, lying, cheating. I have to honor my mother and father even though they weren't the best, I have to love even my enemies, and I will be ridiculed all of my earthly life.

You ain't fooling anyone


I'm a star
Okay now post your source

Sorry, it's wikipedia. Best I could do at the time. All radio dating is based on assumptions that decay rates are indeed constant, that their formulas accurately extrapolate decay rates to begin with, that they have an accurate theory for how a particular rock or mineral was formed, that conditions under which the rock or mineral have existed have been constant, etc, etc, etc.

I read a new theory about how the moon was formed when an object struck the earth with such force that both basically became whirling balls of plasma for a few hundred years or so until they cooled enough to become rock again. This theory explains how the moon is mineralogically identical to the earth. Pretty interesting stuff. Do I believe it? Don't know.

I'm not saying all math and science are useless. I believe they are at least true enough to be of utility. But one needn't feel the need to form a concrete world view around any particular theory, or groups of theories.


I'm a star
I think the real reason people (pretend to) believe in god is because they’re afraid to confront reality, and themselves.

What is reality? The only thing we can ever know for sure is ourselves. Most people aren't aware enough of their own assumptions about themselves and reality to even begin to confront them.

El Correcto

god is dead
Sorry, it's wikipedia. Best I could do at the time. All radio dating is based on assumptions that decay rates are indeed constant, that their formulas accurately extrapolate decay rates to begin with, that they have an accurate theory for how a particular rock or mineral was formed, that conditions under which the rock or mineral have existed have been constant, etc, etc, etc.

I read a new theory about how the moon was formed when an object struck the earth with such force that both basically became whirling balls of plasma for a few hundred years or so until they cooled enough to become rock again. This theory explains how the moon is mineralogically identical to the earth. Pretty interesting stuff. Do I believe it? Don't know.

I'm not saying all math and science are useless. I believe they are at least true enough to be of utility. But one needn't feel the need to form a concrete world view around any particular theory, or groups of theories.
Okay now what are you basing your belief in creationism on? With direct god placing man on earth and the earth forming in a week?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I think the real reason people (pretend to) believe in god is because they’re afraid to confront reality, and themselves.
I think the reason people ( pretend to) not believe in God is because they’re afraid to confront the reality of God, and that would mean there would be responsibility and accountability to Him .


I'm a star
Okay now what are you basing your belief in creationism on? With direct god placing man on earth and the earth forming in a week?

I choose to believe, and I am aware that I made that choice, and I am not at all certain that I understand everything that goes into it. I have explanations for how things could have happened, given an all-powerful creator, but I'm not nearly so dogmatic as to be certain that I'm right about any of it. Some people have difficulty dealing with conditional arguments, they're pretty natural to me.