The big bang theory


Well-Known Member
Probably why they went extinct, rather * the sexy homosapiens over their ugly six head jay leno looking ass bitches.
I think the theory as to why Neanderthals went extinct has alot to do with they required a very high caloric intake compared to homo-sapiens.

Basically, they were gas-guzzlers.


Well-Known Member
didn’t understand how to cook pork
For reasons I won't get into, pigs and bears are the most common carriers of trichinosis. In ancient times, not eating a pig was very good advice. In those days, you would need to cook the meat near the point of ashes in order not to get sick with it.

I used to tag along alot on someone else's wild pig depredation permit. I've spent alot of time studying, observing, and shooting wild pigs.

Trichinosis is no joke.

El Correcto

god is dead
On a quarter of mushrooms I didn’t feel religious. I was so :censored2:ed I couldn’t even find the light switch in my room when I got home. Took me like a minute or two just the turn the lights on.
Being around people freaked me out so I went to chill by myself, I didn’t enjoy the negativity I felt from them. I kept telling them they were the darkness and then I left. Once I got by myself it was great, chain smoked a bunch and sat outside looking at trees and :censored2: I was too :censored2:ed to do much else.

On salvia I didn’t feel religious either, I was way too :censored2:ed to even know what the :censored2: was going on. My friend head looked like an expanding light bulb and the Hollywood swinging song was blaring from the TV, I started trying to dance to it and fell on my face, apparently no one else heard the music.
I just dont buy drugs making people religious, it didn’t click for me. Maybe I just took too much and these cave people didn’t.


I'm a star
No. I think the idea that something can come from nothing is a viable theory that is simply dismissed and overlooked.

If that's the case, we would have to come to a new understanding of the definition of those words, something and nothing. Of course, language is an imprecise method of communicating ideas. What would you imagine could be the mechanism of such a phenomenon?


Well-Known Member
The only "different" species that are known to be able to interbreed always have offspring that are unable to reproduce. If Neanderthal was able to interbreed with Sapiens, and have their genes stay in the pool, then it is more likely that they were not a separate species, but a separate breed that adapted to different environmental pressures. Adaptations that manifested themselves in a strikingly different phenotype. Comparing Neanderthal to Sapiens would not be all that different than comparing a chiuaua and a great dane.
Yes, I've read that that a male Neanderthal wouldn't be able to impregnate a modern woman but that the other way around could happen. But that the Neanderthal genes passed down wouldn't work correctly. That possibly some inherited genetic diseases are due to that mixing. Only know what I've read. But to your point, tigers and lions can breed and produce fertile offspring. But they are different species. Ligers and Tigons.
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I'm a star
Yes, I've read that that a male Neanderthal wouldn't be able to impregnate a modern woman but that the other way around could happen. But that the Neanderthal genes passed down wouldn't work correctly. That possibly some inherited genetic diseases are due to that mixing. Only know what I've read. But to your point, tigers and lions can breed and produce fertile offspring. But they are different species. Ligers and Tigons.

Seems like our understanding of what species are is somewhat lacking.


Well-Known Member

okay so why can’t there just be energy if there can just be god based off your stupid fairy tales and nothing more?
It can be, but that "energy" would have to be the First Mover.
Face it. You are not intellectually equipped to refute the logical syllogism that points to the necessary of a First Mover and Creator. So you assume the belief system of the cool kids instead. You're probably an Atheist because your favorite band is.
It's okay though, not everybody has the mental capacity to understand these arguments, and the world still needs dumb truck drivers to haul their crap around. :teethy:


Well-Known Member
No. I think the idea that something can come from nothing is a viable theory that is simply dismissed and overlooked.
You must not understand what "nothing" means then.

I bet you also think cars are an act of creation and not an assembly of creating things.

Many people seem to have minds like toddlers these days.


Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You must not understand what "nothing" means then.

I bet you also think cars are an act of creation and not an assembly of creating things.

Many people seem to have minds like toddlers these days.

Have you ever noticed that wild apes will attack a being that they perceive as a threat to themselves?

A lot of wild apes around here.


Well-Known Member
What makes you think it's a viable theory if you don't have an explanation for how it might work?
Sorry. I simply can't explain how 'nothing' might work.
Many people seem to have minds like toddlers these days.

I would submit that unprovoked insults and belittling random strangers on the internet very strongly indicates the mentality of an angry, wet toddler.

Maybe pulling the wings off of flies or dropping rocks onto cars from the safety of an overpass will provide you with the jollies you so desperately seek?



Well-Known Member
I understand there are different stances on the debate. I’ve met christians who are not insufferable pricks who think we outta live under the laws of the Bible and force it on others.
with liberalisms love for muslims we'll probably all be living under sharia law some day