The big bang theory

El Correcto

god is dead
What if we live in a simulation? Everything you think you know, right out the window. Sorry those thousands of years of deity level sciencing were for naught. Oh, and nothing in the scientific method can prove or disprove the simulation theory either.
And that’s fine. But your Bible is blatantly wrong bud with everything we currently know. Get over it you silly jew worshipper.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
We are talking about the debunked Christian creation myth. Yes human beings were not around during the first week of earth’s existence. Sorry this is so hard for your little Jew worshipping brain to comprehend.
What if the days of creation weren't literally 24 hours each and Adam and Eve were actually talking to that snake mere thousands of years ago?

El Correcto

god is dead
And that's fine. But your science book is blatantly wrong, and by no means is the authority of reality. Get over it you silly guy in white lab coat worshipper.
No it isn’t you silly jew worshipper.
Prove it is wrong, prove these people’s widely tested and adopted methods are wrong.
I’ll be waiting.

El Correcto

god is dead
What if the days of creation weren't literally 24 hours each and Adam and Eve were actually talking to that snake mere thousands of years ago?
I told them that’s what logical people say.
They insist it only took a week cause our jewish folktale says so and so did our jew god.

Well not the snake part, that is absolute horse :censored2:.

El Correcto

god is dead
You jew worshipping science denying idiots should not enjoy having this conversation, I shouldn’t have to be presenting evidence to grown men that a Jewish deity didn’t :censored2: them out on the first week of this planet’s existence.

You truly are just silly and ridiculous people.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You jew worshipping science denying idiots should not enjoy having this conversation, I shouldn’t have to be presenting evidence to grown men that a Jewish deity didn’t * them out on the first week of this planet’s existence.

You truly are just silly and ridiculous people.
View attachment 336483
Geological history of the earth, in an easy cartoon picture you can understand.
Hey Tadpole
It doesn’t get any sillier than this.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
No it isn’t you silly jew worshipper.
Prove it is wrong, prove these people’s widely tested and adopted methods are wrong.
I’ll be waiting.
One difference that seems important to me is science tries to prove itself wrong. Scientists get excited when experiments don’t turn out like they thought they would. Religious fanatics just make up a bunch of nonsense to pretend evidence that runs counter to their stories really supports them.

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
You jew worshipping science denying idiots should not enjoy having this conversation, I shouldn’t have to be presenting evidence to grown men that a Jewish deity didn’t * them out on the first week of this planet’s existence.

You truly are just silly and ridiculous people.
And your calendar is based on it all. It is currently 2021 years since Jesus died 😎

Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member
The snek is the true god and creator. It was trying to tell you apples are really good for you. You are all living in a deceptive world. What you worship as god is really satan, that’s why mankind suffers. Satan loves suffering. Eat the apple.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
just make up a bunch of nonsense to pretend evidence that runs counter to their stories really supports them.
You got this right Ms. Tadpole. You got it going on considering you can trace your ancestors back to when they were just bubbles in pond scum.
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I'm a star
No it isn’t you silly jew worshipper.
Prove it is wrong, prove these people’s widely tested and adopted methods are wrong.
I’ll be waiting.

Never said the methods are wrong. The conclusions and application thereof? Most likely. If all your deity scientists were have as skeptical of everything that I am, we'd have our anti-grav by now. Silly lab coat worshipper.

El Correcto

god is dead
Never said the methods are wrong. The conclusions and application thereof? Most likely. If all your deity scientists were have as skeptical of everything that I am, we'd have our anti-grav by now. Silly lab coat worshipper.
And what exactly are you using to prove them wrong? B-but my jew book sir!


I'm a star
Actually, after another 2 seconds thought, I can prove the methodology for trying to date the age of the earth is wrong, but it'll take me a while to do so.