The big bang theory

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Homie I have given you proof after proof of everything that can be disproved the rest is up in the air. Prove the world was created in a week and man was here that first week of creation you ignorant jew worshipper.
Explain the process of inanimate object to living organisms that is the foundation of your religion.

I believe it to be the intervention of the God which created the inanimate objects.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


I'm a star
But basically you're saying you don't accept anything as true unless you decide it is in spite of the analysis, lab work, field study put in by untold numbers of researchers over decades or even centuries. They did, you haven't, but if you don't like their conclusions then it must not be so.

Not necessarily. I just don't award an "A" for effort, and I don't simply believe just because they tried real hard. The truth of a thing does not depend on my belief in it or lack thereof. There are just too many examples of something that is believed to be certain one day then disproven the next. People put too much faith in science the way they believe religious people do in their faith.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Explain where god came from
Who made God? Nobody. God is the creator of all things. God didn’t even create God, for God has existed for all time, even before there was what we call time. Tough for the physical man( that is all we know) to understand an eternal spiritual being, much less know all things that would entail.
God is eternal. We are not eternal, so it is very hard for us to grasp the idea of what it is to be eternal (always was and always will be)
Nature and the Scriptures are that revelation of God. We shall know more when faith becomes sight, that is, when we stand before him and are able to spend eternity in heaven with him.
The Bible starts with the fact, that God existed before anything else was created: “In the beginning, God


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
God is.

God revealed Himself as Yahweh, which means ‘I am, who am’.

God is the source of His own existence. That gives Him dominion over all.

Sorry you can’t comprehend that.
To ask the question, explain where God came from, reflects the questionnaire is not thinking on spiritual and eternal terms and probably has no chance of understanding you answer.


I'm a star
Whatever helps you sleep at night silly jew worshipper. Don’t forget to say your prayers tonight before bed, I won’t be praying to science.

Well, at least you know your lab coat deities don't care about you. Just that sweet research money they will say anything they have to in order to keep it rolling in so they don't have to do real work.

El Correcto

god is dead
You guys see why I requested @Tom MacDonald keep his mental illness that makes him think he can scientifically prove god to me in a quarantine thread?
31 pages and still counting, not a shred of :censored2:ing proof for the Jewish deity, like all the other deities out there.

El Correcto

god is dead
He didn’t even have the balls to accurately name this thread proof of god and show his silly ark pictures at the start, instead he just attacked science like all you jew worshipping science deniers do.


I'm a star
He didn’t even have the balls to accurately name this thread proof of god and show his silly ark pictures until pressed to do so, instead he just attacked science like all you jew worshipping science deniers do.

Uh oh, did somebody disparage the great lord sciencey guy? We'll try to be more accepting of your religious beliefs.