The big bang theory


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Laid out in the Bible god created the universe in a week. For someone who takes everything literally in the Bible as the written word of god, you are now calling god a liar.
I don’t take everything in the Bible literally.
Plenty of figurative language to deal with.
The creation account isn’t one of them.

El Correcto

god is dead
I don’t take everything in the Bible literally.
Plenty of figurative language to deal with.
The creation account isn’t on of them.
Okay six days it is then. Not six :censored2:ing space days or whatever non sense the church began preaching as science proved them wrong.

Very easily disprovable, young earth creationists would of been jihadis if they were born into Muslim communities.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Okay six days it is then. Not six *ing space days or whatever non sense the church began preaching as science proved them wrong.

Very easily disprovable, young earth creationists would of been jihadis if they were born into Muslim communities.
You can’t do it.
You’ve been gay raging for 5 or 6 pages.
If science has proved them wrong, you’re dragging your feet with posting all the proof.
You just keep doing the gay rage dance.


I'm a star
Okay six days it is then. Not six *ing space days or whatever non sense the church began preaching as science proved them wrong.

Very easily disprovable, young earth creationists would of been jihadis if they were born into Muslim communities.

You talk about proving and disproving. You literally can't prove any of your positions. You rely on your deified sciency guys to decide for you what's real and what's not.


Well-Known Member
We are talking about the debunked Christian creation myth. Yes human beings were not around during the first week of earth’s existence. Sorry this is so hard for your little Jew worshipping brain to comprehend.
got that clay warming up in the microwave yet?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You talk about proving and disproving. You literally can't prove any of your positions. You rely on your deified sciency guys to decide for you what's real and what's not.
Religion is based on Faith.
Science is based on Math and reproducible facts.

I don't participate in these types of discussion because religion is not fact based and unprovable.


Well-Known Member
One difference that seems important to me is science tries to prove itself wrong. Scientists get excited when experiments don’t turn out like they thought they would. Religious fanatics just make up a bunch of nonsense to pretend evidence that runs counter to their stories really supports them.
like science not being able to create life from nothing?


I'm a star
Religion is based on Faith.
Science is based on Math and reproducible facts.

I don't participate in these types of discussion because religion is not fact based and unprovable.

I do it for the lulz. These scientism worshippers think they are so much better because they don't realize their logic is no different than a religious person. I love how they assume that believing in God precludes any belief in the scientific method.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Religion is based on Faith.
Science is based on Math and reproducible facts.

I don't participate in these types of discussion because religion is not fact based and unprovable.
Much of scripture has been proven to be factual from archeology, science, and history even though most of the time the effort was to disprove it.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, our understanding of what species are is lacking. How do we really know tigers and lions weren't bred from an ancestor cat by an ancient civilization? Did you know that our entire living organism classification system is based on assumptions of experts, and came about before the discovery of DNA?

The reasoning they give for tigers and lions being able to mate is because they are in the same genus. But they were grouped into the genus arbitrarily. There is nothing in DNA that says what kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus or species a creature belongs to, because all those things are made up. But our understanding, and continued research, of the relationship between animals is based on those centuries old assumptions. Biologists know this, but still cling to dogma. What can you do?
But basically you're saying you don't accept anything as true unless you decide it is in spite of the analysis, lab work, field study put in by untold numbers of researchers over decades or even centuries. They did, you haven't, but if you don't like their conclusions then it must not be so.

El Correcto

god is dead
I do it for the lulz. These scientism worshippers think they are so much better because they don't realize their logic is no different than a religious person. I love how they assume that believing in God precludes any belief in the scientific method.
Whatever helps you sleep at night silly jew worshipper. Don’t forget to say your prayers tonight before bed, I won’t be praying to science.

El Correcto

god is dead
You can’t do it.
You’ve been gay raging for 5 or 6 pages.
If science has proved them wrong, you’re dragging your feet with posting all the proof.
You just keep doing the gay rage dance.
Homie I have given you proof after proof of everything that can be disproved the rest is up in the air. Prove the world was created in a week and man was here that first week of creation you ignorant jew worshipper.