The big bang theory

El Correcto

god is dead
I am no great ally of everything science related, I attack space travel and blowing millions on pictures of black holes every chance I get. I think the space dorks go too far at times, but that is mostly a political disagreement.


I'm a star
I am no great ally of everything science related, I attack space travel and blowing millions on pictures of black holes every chance I get. I think the space dorks go too far at times, but that is mostly a political disagreement.

I think the scientific method is great. I don't think the people who put all their faith in people in white lab coats are great. Especially when they a hypocritical about it.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Religion is based on Faith.
Science is based on Math and reproducible facts.

I don't participate in these types of discussion because religion is not fact based and unprovable.
I know I'm on the right track when @BrownFlush gives me a
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El Correcto

god is dead
I think the scientific method is great. I don't think the people who put all their faith in people in white lab coats are great. Especially when they a hypocritical about it.
That’s because you’re a brainwashed cultist and you don’t fully understand the amount of scrutiny scientists face for their work.

The speculation you speak of is in the margin of error for dating things using PB-PB dating. The margin of error keeps growing smaller as they get more consistent measurement techniques.
Here is the Berkeley attempting new methods for it. There isn’t really any debate I can find of if the date estimates are accurate within the scientific community, that comes from the hard religious zealots trying to prove fairy tales correct.

Please provide me an article that disputes PB-PB dating all together.

El Correcto

god is dead
That’s because you’re a brainwashed cultist and you don’t fully understand the amount of scrutiny scientists face for their work.

The speculation you speak of is in the margin of error for dating things using PB-PB dating. The margin of error keeps growing smaller as they get more consistent measurement techniques.
Here is the Berkeley attempting new methods for it. There isn’t really any debate I can find of if the date estimates are accurate within the scientific community, that comes from the hard religious zealots trying to prove fairy tales correct.

Please provide me an article that disputes PB-PB dating all together.
Sorry this is U-PB dating, still these dating techniques are not in dispute as far as I can tell.
The only blow back they receive is from pissed off young earthers, science is on the right path to laying out an accurate timeline for the formation of the earth, catastrophic events and life.


I'm a star
That’s because you’re a brainwashed cultist and you don’t fully understand the amount of scrutiny scientists face for their work.

The speculation you speak of is in the margin of error for dating things using PB-PB dating. The margin of error keeps growing smaller as they get more consistent measurement techniques.
Here is the Berkeley attempting new methods for it. There isn’t really any debate I can find of if the date estimates are accurate within the scientific community, that comes from the hard religious zealots trying to prove fairy tales correct.

Please provide me an article that disputes PB-PB dating all together.

The fact that there is a dearth of challenging information to scientific dogma tells you all you need to know about how the "scientific community" works. The fact that you can even seriously mention the "scientific community" shows you are brainwashed by the priests in white lab coats.

A bunch of people getting together and agreeing on something doesn't make it true. I already pointed out why radio dating can't possibly ever be proven or disproven, but it went right over your head. I don't know how to simplify it further, not that I could break through your conditioning anyway. The speculation I speak of is the many things your white lab coat priesthood have to assume in order to come up with an answer. The fact that then other members of the white lab coat circle jerk all give each other a reach around out of professional courtesy lends zero credence to results that are completely based on unfalsifiable assumptions.