you will get riots, mayhem, and murder when civilization collapses from climate catastrophe
you will get riots, mayhem, and murder when civilization collapses from climate catastrophe
We're already getting that from the election will get riots, mayhem, and murder when civilization collapses from climate catastrophe
jesus will reject ouWe're already getting that from the election catastrophe.
I don't blame him. I don't like ou either.jesus will reject ou
You’re full ofyou will get riots, mayhem, and murder when civilization collapses from climate catastrophe
He already rejected youjesus will reject ou
And the "get rid of cops" movement.We're already getting that from the election catastrophe.
The lets end police controlling us movement riots will be minor compated to when civilization endsAnd the "get rid of cops" movement.
He saw stars from a man in stripes.Guy orders a burger, gets a flag pole thru his head!
Oklahoma man drives flagpole through victim’s head inside Sonic: ‘That’s what he gets’
An Oklahoma man is lucky to be alive after a convict drove a flagpole — with an American flag attached — through his skull at a fast food restaurant Wednesday, police
Did he order from the drive thru...MY HEAD???He saw stars from a man in stripes.
That maniac should be shotGuy orders a burger, gets a flag pole thru his head!
Oklahoma man drives flagpole through victim’s head inside Sonic: ‘That’s what he gets’
An Oklahoma man is lucky to be alive after a convict drove a flagpole — with an American flag attached — through his skull at a fast food restaurant Wednesday, police
At least she was stabbed by a friend...Teen out way too late gets stabbed over a stupid condiment?
Teen killed outside McDonald’s over sauce dispute, police say
Police say a friend stabbed the
Sporks are deadlyAt least she was stabbed by a friend...