The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
He walks around the border for 3 hours and does not say a word. Nothing.

The Imbecile in Chief,Trudeau, and Obrador meet.
"So there's much we can do, much we have to talk about. And, and I'm looking forward to being able to do it because I'm confident. I'm confident we can get it done. I'm confident we're at one of those moments of a real change in direction."- Biden

Get what done? Real change? In what direction? SMH
80 million people. Sure.
Can we get one Biden voter on the BC to admit it was a mistake?

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Get millions of future voters forever dependent on government so fundamental changes can be made. New illegal's are already refusing to follow orders to move.

The left is going to have to realize that potential illegal immigrants hear their virtue signaling regarding illegal immigration and will often expect certain things when they get here as a result. Especially if they've managed to land in a "sanctuary city."


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
The left is going to have to realize that potential illegal immigrants hear their virtue signaling regarding illegal immigration and will often expect certain things when they get here as a result. Especially if they've managed to land in a "sanctuary city."
Won't happen. They truly believe America sucks and it won't be correct until we look like a third world country.


Strength through joy

New York City mayor Eric Adams told Fox 5 that his administration was assisting migrants who had been sent to his city but wanted to go elsewhere.

"Some want to go to Canada, some want to go to warmer states, and we are there for them as they continue to move on with their pursuit of this dream," Mr Adams said.

The New York Post has reported that migrants in New York City are being given free bus tickets to Plattsburgh, New York state, about 20 miles (32km) south of the Canadian border. From there, they pay taxis and shuttles to take them to Quebec.

Quebec immigration minister Christine Fréchette told reporters in Montreal that the development was "surprising".

She said it highlighted the need to "solve the problem of Roxham Road", referring to an unofficial border crossing south of Montreal used by thousands of asylum seekers every year.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

New York City mayor Eric Adams told Fox 5 that his administration was assisting migrants who had been sent to his city but wanted to go elsewhere.

"Some want to go to Canada, some want to go to warmer states, and we are there for them as they continue to move on with their pursuit of this dream," Mr Adams said.

The New York Post has reported that migrants in New York City are being given free bus tickets to Plattsburgh, New York state, about 20 miles (32km) south of the Canadian border. From there, they pay taxis and shuttles to take them to Quebec.

Quebec immigration minister Christine Fréchette told reporters in Montreal that the development was "surprising".

She said it highlighted the need to "solve the problem of Roxham Road", referring to an unofficial border crossing south of Montreal used by thousands of asylum seekers every year.
Guess who’s coming to dinner, part deux


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about the awful fentanyl crisis...Quote
"Because of the work that this President has done, because of what we've done specifically on fentanyl at the border, it's at historic lows, historic levels that we have been able to record a number of personnel working to secure the border because of what we've been able to do, seizing that fentanyl. We've done it in a historic way. That's because of what this President has done."
They seized fentanyl in record amounts because record amounts are coming into the United States.
This year, 800% increase in fentanyl overdose deaths. It's definitely historic. Great job. SMH. Keepin' that Border secure!


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about the awful fentanyl crisis...Quote
"Because of the work that this President has done, because of what we've done specifically on fentanyl at the border, it's at historic lows, historic levels that we have been able to record a number of personnel working to secure the border because of what we've been able to do, seizing that fentanyl. We've done it in a historic way. That's because of what this President has done."
They seized fentanyl in record amounts because record amounts are coming into the United States.
This year, 800% increase in fentanyl overdose deaths. It's definitely historic. Great job. SMH. Keepin' that Border secure!
The biggest idiot of press secretary in history. All you see are her stupid eyelids as she reads from the binder. But hey, she’s black and a lesbian, so what that she’s incompetent.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

The biggest idiot of press secretary in history. All you see are her stupid eyelids as she reads from the binder. But hey, she’s black and a lesbian, so what that she’s incompetent.
The entire Biden Cabinet fills every minority quota.
Qualified? What's that?


Well-Known Member
Maybe you guys would have a wall if your guys weren't trying to get rich off of it.



Well-Known Member
Maybe you guys would have a wall if your guys weren't trying to get rich off of it.

Why do we need private builders when the government should have built one long ago?