The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


IE boogeyman
And you laid blame squarely on the Boomers as the root of all our problems. The generation before the Boomers were mostly in charge in the 80's and 90's. Before casting aspersions one should educate thyself. Bro.
boomers voted for them in the 70's and 80's, they were in charge themselves during the 90's and 00's when things accelerated drastically

FWIW i hate "the greatest generation" too, they started this all but AT LEAST their intentions weren't totally narcissistic for the terrible decisions they made


Well-Known Member
boomers voted for them in the 70's and 80's, they were in charge themselves during the 90's and 00's when things accelerated drastically

FWIW i hate "the greatest generation" too, they started this all but AT LEAST their intentions weren't totally narcissistic for the terrible decisions they made
The youngest Boomers were 10 in 1974. When exactly did they vote for them? The decisions to offshore manufacturing were made by the corporate and political elite and was heavily influenced by union demands in the U.S. and elsewhere. A lot of greed on both sides got factories moved offshore.


IE boogeyman
The youngest Boomers were 10 in 1974. When exactly did they vote for them? The decisions to offshore manufacturing were made by the corporate and political elite and was heavily influenced by union demands in the U.S. and elsewhere. A lot of greed on both sides got factories moved offshore.
boomers are 1945-1964....


nowhere special
1946-1964 is probably the most common definition but I have seen different dates for boomers too. Exact beginning and ending are pretty arbitrary so not worth the effort of quibbling over a year or two.


Well-Known Member
1946-1964 is probably the most common definition but I have seen different dates for boomers too. Exact beginning and ending are pretty arbitrary so not worth the effort of quibbling over a year or two.
When someone is trying to put all of the country's problems on one generation but doesn't have his facts straight I'm going to point out that the vast majority of demographers set the Boomer generation as 1946-1964. And it does matter. Soldiers started coming home in 1945 and much larger numbers of babies started being born in 1946.


nowhere special
When someone is trying to put all of the country's problems on one generation but doesn't have his facts straight I'm going to point out that the vast majority of demographers set the Boomer generation as 1946-1964. And it does matter. Soldiers started coming home in 1945 and much larger numbers of babies started being born in 1946.
I think it was usually said to end around 1962 when I was growing up. I don't know when it changed but as I said the exact dates are arbitrary so really no right or wrong answer.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's ok to dispute what I posted but not for me to defend it. I wasn't the one who put all the country's problems at the feet of Boomers. We're here not because of some diabolical plan but because men couldn't wait to get back from the battlefield to have regular sex with their wives.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Yes, it's ok to dispute what I posted but not for me to defend it. I wasn't the one who put all the country's problems at the feet of Boomers. We're here not because of some diabolical plan but because men couldn't wait to get back from the battlefield to have regular sex with their wives.