The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Wut? Who is allowing flooding of illegal's?

I wonder what it’s like to tell blatant lies all day to the world? And she seems so convinced what she’s saying is true.


Well-Known Member
I thought Trump completed the wall and Mexico paid for it all?
Did you actually think that? Democrats did everything possible to stop him. If he were president now the wall would've gotten finished. In a sense the Mexicans did pay for it. Trump forced them to use troops to keep illegals away from the U.S. border. To stay in Mexico. All that cost them serious money.


Legio patria nostra
Did you actually think that? Democrats did everything possible to stop him. If he were president now the wall would've gotten finished. In a sense the Mexicans did pay for it. Trump forced them to use troops to keep illegals away from the U.S. border. To stay in Mexico. All that cost them serious money.
Those concepts are way too complicated. They somehow buy into Dementia Joe doing all kinds of wonderful economic things, yet we are all paying more, getting less and becoming more and more kissed off.
Great plan Joe!


Well-Known Member
Those concepts are way too complicated. They somehow buy into Dementia Joe doing all kinds of wonderful economic things, yet we are all paying more, getting less and becoming more and more kissed off.
Great plan Joe!
But hey, don’t worry he’s giving you the ability to pay a higher interest rate and more penalties. If you’ve been responsible, save your money and pay your bills on time now when you get a home loan you can pay for someone who has been irresponsible isn’t that nice? Feels like Marxism to me.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I thought Trump completed the wall and Mexico paid for it all?
It was almost done. Biden stopped all work becausehe hates America, allowed flooding into the US at the same time, so the savings from not supporting endless illegal's with tax dollars stopped as well.


nowhere special
Biden let things get so bad even he must take action.

He finally has to pretend to do something with the end of Trump era Title 42 after previously trying his hardest to ignore it.


Legio patria nostra
Biden let things get so bad even he must take action. What a mess he created.

Yeah, but look at what they're doing:
- 90 days
- Administrative, warehousing and clerking duties
- No law enforcement
- They don't even know where to "house" them...

They'd do better with 1500 Texans.



BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Yeah, but look at what they're doing:
- 90 days
- Administrative, warehousing and clerking duties
- No law enforcement
- They don't even know where to "house" them...

They'd do better with 1500 Texans.

Might be just for show. "I sent in the military "...


Legio patria nostra
Might be just for show. "I sent in the military "...
EXACTLY. His stupid followers will grasp this as "another" definitive action taken by Fearless Joe to "combat drugs and illegals entering our country". Then those pathetic losers will come on here and spew their BS.


Well-Known Member
saw some stories about american children being found working when theyre not supposed to

theres not much difference between a poor uneducated immigrant being hired by greedy capitalists OR american children doing it