The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
If only a fake-o drivers license was all you needed to legally operate a motor vehicle on the roadway.

Indemnity, insurance coverage, and the law.
I remember when "uninsured motorist" coverage was a new thing. People were outraged, that they had to pay for the insurance the ILLEGALS didn't have.

Now it is an unquestioned part of American culture, like candy canes for Christmas.


Strength through joy

NEW YORK — New York City is suing more than a dozen charter bus companies for their role in Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s operation to send tens of thousands of migrants to urban areas.
The lawsuit claims the 17 bus companies “knowingly implemented” Abbott’s busing plan in violation of a New York law that sets limits on transferring “needy persons” across state lines. It seeks more than $700 million in damages to recoup the cost of caring for an estimated 33,000 migrants that have arrived in the city on charter buses since April 2022.
Some of the bus companies appeared caught off guard by the latest lawsuit. “We don’t make policies,” said David Jones, an employee at Buckeye Coach LLC, one of the charter companies named in the lawsuit. “We are just a transportation company.”
Murad Awawdeh, executive director of the Immigration Coalition, described the legal action as a distraction from the larger issues facing the city as it seeks to care for newly arrived migrants.
“This lawsuit is one more way for the mayor to scapegoat someone else for his lack of management of the situation,” Awawdeh said. “He needs to stop taking pages out of Gov Abbott’s playbook and step up and lead the city of New York.”


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

NEW YORK — New York City is suing more than a dozen charter bus companies for their role in Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s operation to send tens of thousands of migrants to urban areas.
The lawsuit claims the 17 bus companies “knowingly implemented” Abbott’s busing plan in violation of a New York law that sets limits on transferring “needy persons” across state lines. It seeks more than $700 million in damages to recoup the cost of caring for an estimated 33,000 migrants that have arrived in the city on charter buses since April 2022.
Some of the bus companies appeared caught off guard by the latest lawsuit. “We don’t make policies,” said David Jones, an employee at Buckeye Coach LLC, one of the charter companies named in the lawsuit. “We are just a transportation company.”
Murad Awawdeh, executive director of the Immigration Coalition, described the legal action as a distraction from the larger issues facing the city as it seeks to care for newly arrived migrants.
“This lawsuit is one more way for the mayor to scapegoat someone else for his lack of management of the situation,” Awawdeh said. “He needs to stop taking pages out of Gov Abbott’s playbook and step up and lead the city of New York.”
Those scumbags love to sue. It’s a sanctuary city bitch! The judge gonna love your argument.


Well-Known Member
Those scumbags love to sue. It’s sanctuary city bitch! The judge gonna love that.
Heard something interesting today. In spite of Florida passing New York as the third most populous state, now having millions more people, New York's state budget is twice as large as Florida's. @bbsam This is what holding down costs with good governance looks like.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Heard something interesting today. In spite of Florida passing New York as the third most populous state, now having millions more people, New York's state budget is twice as large as Florida's. @bbsam This is what holding down costs with good governance looks like.
That’s what a Democrat controlled state looks like. Look at California. Most of the imbeciles are concentrated in those two states.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
This is a good starting point but until you punish the people and companies that are hiring the illegals you really aren’t serious or even getting to the bottom of the problem. Why are everyone of these illegals coming here?…. For free stuff and jobs. Stop the free stuff and jobs and there is no reason for them to come.

Heavy tax penalties for anyone hiring an illegal. Also, impose heavy fees on money transfers.


Strength through joy
Heavy tax penalties for anyone hiring an illegal. Also, impose heavy fees on money transfers.
Not money transfers, remittances.
Oklahoma Again Reports an Increase in Taxes on Wired Remittances (2015)

Oklahoma, as we report every year at about this time, collects 1 percent from all out-going, out-of-state, person-to-person wire transfers of money; many of these transfers are remittances from illegal aliens in Oklahoma to their relatives in their homelands. It is the only state to do so.

The money is not, strictly speaking, a tax; it is a deduction, much like what most Americans find in their regular pay stubs. If you pay your state income taxes, you can use these 1 percent deductions as a tax credit. In that case the whole procedure is a wash.

But Oklahoma tax officials told us a year or so ago that 96 percent of the wire transfer fees are not used as income tax credits — so the great bulk of the funds are additional revenues to the state, all taken from people who do not pay their state income taxes.

This should be a dream for politicians — 96 percent of this funding source is being collected from people who are tax cheats and who cannot vote.


Strength through joy
Landry, 40, from Congo, who told he spent his life savings of $9,000 traveling to the US, taking the difficult decision to leave his wife and 14-year-old son behind four months ago.

The military veteran had been hoping to land a job in construction but he's been unable to find work in the city and ended up sleeping on the streets in sub-zero temperatures after shelters ran out of space.

Conditions in Congo were 'terrible' according to Landry, with frequent fights between ethnic groups and oppressive laws - but he said life in the Big Apple has been 'even worse.'

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
Written in UK, they love to say subzero, but mean below 32°friend.
Big difference between 32°friend and -1°friend.

Congo is generally 60-80°friend, with occasional dips to the 50s.
Guy probably had no clue there are even seasons in the temperate latitudes.


Strength through joy
New arrivals to NYC get shelter for 30 days, but if families arrive the city removes single men from the units and replaces them with family groups.
So everyday there are lines around housing offices by those displaced persons and most never get any new housing.
Spending your days in these lines can make a cool temperature seem a lot colder due to your physical inactivity.


Legio patria nostra


Legio patria nostra
CNN had a story this morning regarding the 10's of thousands of illegal Chinese that are showing up at the US border. They arrive in Equador because they don't need a Visa and buy "packages" to get them to Colombia, Southern Mex border, or the US border depending how much they pay.
They claim they came here because they have no $$...???

During an interview, one chink said he was pissed because the US CBP was late picking them up and it was cold!
They walked though a hole in the wall some other criminals made.

Biden should be impeached and charged with aiding and abetting these criminals!!
