The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
So the border-deal-for-military-aid-to-allies is being scuttled because Trump didn't want President Biden to get political credit for it? I guess the border issue isn't really that important to Republicans. Figures.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
So the border-deal-for-military-aid-to-allies is being scuttled because Trump didn't want President Biden to get political credit for it? I guess the border issue isn't really that important to Republicans. Figures.
Just curious. Is there anything else in said bill? I really don't know . I've got much better things to do than read 500 pages. But I do know most of not all bills have a ton of crap stuffed in them. I wouldn't see how this one is any different. But again I'll admit I havent read it.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Just curious. Is there anything else in said bill? I really don't know . I've got much better things to do than read 500 pages. But I do know most of not all bills have a ton of crap stuffed in them. I wouldn't see how this one is any different. But again I'll admit I havent read it.
Couldn't say because I haven't read it either. But I have read that Trump told McConnell to torpedo the idea because Trump didn't want President Biden to take a win. This is why our fixable problems remain intractable. It's terrible for our country.

On the other hand at least the Republicans will still have a problem they can cry about this election season.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Couldn't say because I haven't read it either. But I have read that Trump told McConnell to torpedo the idea because Trump didn't want President Biden to take a win. This is why our fixable problems remain intractable. It's terrible for our country.

On the other hand at least the Republicans will still have a problem they can cry about this election season.

What do you think should happen with the illegal immigrants?

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
What do you think should happen with the illegal immigrants?
“It's Not Dog Food, it's Food Food”

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Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
As long as it goes to that and not to alleviate the problems the big cities are experiencing with the importation of so many illegal immigrants.
Let’s see legislation from MAGA then. I’ll wait. Might be waiting a while. In fact, it might never happen.

Yeah, it’ll never happen.


Well-Known Member
Let’s see legislation from MAGA then. I’ll wait. Might be waiting a while. In fact, it might never happen.

Yeah, it’ll never happen.
It's extremely disingenuous to talk about how the Republicans ought to do this or that when the administration doesn't want to stop the flow of illegals and is fighting to keep it going.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
It's extremely disingenuous to talk about how the Republicans ought to do this or that when the administration doesn't want to stop the flow of illegals and is fighting to keep it going.
Remind us all who is trying to stop the pending legislation because he doesn’t want Biden to have another legislative win.


Well-Known Member
Remind us all who is trying to stop the pending legislation because he doesn’t want Biden to have another legislative win.
That's your narrative. The pending legislation isn't about stopping the flow of illegals. It's about getting enough personnel in to process them in a lot faster. If the administration was interested in stopping illegals from crossing they wouldn't have fought efforts by Texas and Arizona over the last three years to do so. They would've finished Trump's wall.

Several days ago a young Hispanic man in AZ who has been documenting who is coming across by nicely asking where they're from and where they're going ran into a Middle Eastern man who ominously told him that soon everyone would know who he is. This guy was scary. Last night FOX came up with a pic of guy from Azerbaijan who looks very much like this guy. He's the leader of a Muslim extremist group. Believe me he was no ordinary illegal. This is exactly why we should have border security. There's literally no telling who is coming across and what they intend to do once here. If we end up with massive terror attacks then everyone who supported this insanity will have blood on their hands. Not that it would give comfort to those killed or wounded by terrorists who just walked in.


nowhere special
That's your narrative. The pending legislation isn't about stopping the flow of illegals. It's about getting enough personnel in to process them in a lot faster. If the administration was interested in stopping illegals from crossing they wouldn't have fought efforts by Texas and Arizona over the last three years to do so. They would've finished Trump's wall.

Several days ago a young Hispanic man in AZ who has been documenting who is coming across by nicely asking where they're from and where they're going ran into a Middle Eastern man who ominously told him that soon everyone would know who he is. This guy was scary. Last night FOX came up with a pic of guy from Azerbaijan who looks very much like this guy. He's the leader of a Muslim extremist group. Believe me he was no ordinary illegal. This is exactly why we should have border security. There's literally no telling who is coming across and what they intend to do once here. If we end up with massive terror attacks then everyone who supported this insanity will have blood on their hands. Not that it would give comfort to those killed or wounded by terrorists who just walked in.
Biden sold off the already purchased wall materials for pennies on the dollar.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
The pending legislation isn't about stopping the flow of illegals. It's about getting enough personnel in to process them in a lot faster.
Would Speaker Johnson characterize the legislation as such? Did McConnell? How about the GOP in Congress generally?

This was a delicately compromised deal that both sides seemed to be ready to move forward with. So you're telling me only Trump knows best? Only Trump knows how to make the border situation better?


Well-Known Member
Would Speaker Johnson characterize the legislation as such? Did McConnell? How about the GOP in Congress generally?

This was a delicately compromised deal that both sides seemed to be ready to move forward with. So you're telling me only Trump knows best? Only Trump knows how to make the border situation better?
Trump can't force them to do anything. And seemed to be ready doesn't count until it actually happens.

As for Trump and the border we've yet to see from Biden anything remotely close to what Trump did to control the border.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Trump can't force them to do anything
He's playing them like a fiddle. Congressional Republicans know he's a cult leader and will bend over backwards twice to meet his demands.

Is this "America First" in action? Scuttling border legislation that some of the most conservative leaders in Congress support just so Trump has something to run on in this election year?

I say it's pathetic.


Well-Known Member
He's playing them like a fiddle. Congressional Republicans know he's a cult leader and will bend over backwards twice to meet his demands.

Is this "America First" in action? Scuttling border legislation that some of the most conservative leaders in Congress support just so Trump has something to run on in this election year?

I say it's pathetic.
After three years of Mayorkas and others telling Congress the border is secure please forgive me if I have doubts about their sincerity to actually fix the border this time. Your administration is running out of wool to pull over eyes.