The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Just curious. Is there anything else in said bill? I really don't know . I've got much better things to do than read 500 pages. But I do know most of not all bills have a ton of crap stuffed in them. I wouldn't see how this one is any different. But again I'll admit I havent read it.

The Bill wants more money (always more money) to help process the illegals (don’t need that). The bill also wants amnesty for 8 million illegals here. The bill wants to allow 5000 illegals a day to come into the USA. That is 1,825,000 illegals a year. So as we can see this isn’t a bill to stop illegals it is a bill for more money to fast track illegals into the USA but MSM says the Republicans don’t care about our boarder and then the parrots and sheep do their job and stay ignorant on the issue while yelling “Bad Republicans and bad Orange Man”
They do not need any money to start fixing the boarder. Undo what Biden undid what Trump did. Start working on the “already paid for” wall, undo Biden’s “Catch and release into the USA”, and bring back “Stay in Mexico” policy Trump had but Biden did away with. These few things alone would bring Us back to low boarder crossing without needing “More Money”. These steps have been proposed already but the Dems do not want an answer. They want a flood of illegals while getting more money and to be able to have their cult parrot and believe non sense.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
After three years of Mayorkas and others telling Congress the border is secure please forgive me if I have doubts about their sincerity to actually fix the border this time. Your administration is running out of wool to pull over eyes.
"Their sincerity" is kind of irrelevant if Congress passes new border law. Which apparently is on the ropes now because Trump wants something to complain about this year.

Would you rather the border remain at status quo or pass a bipartisan deal that the most conservative members of the U.S. Senate seem to want? Answer this question.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
The Bill wants more money (always more money) to help process the illegals (don’t need that). The bill also wants amnesty for 8 million illegals here. The bill wants to allow 5000 illegals a day to come into the USA. That is 1,825,000 illegals a year.
Oh, you've seen the text of the bill? Let's see it.


Well-Known Member
"Their sincerity" is kind of irrelevant if Congress passes new border law. Which apparently is on the ropes now because Trump wants something to complain about this year.

Would you rather the border remain at status quo or pass a bipartisan deal that the most conservative members of the U.S. Senate seem to want? Answer this question.
First of all Trump isn’t president, so what does it matter what he wants?

Second, you can’t give a yes, or no answer to a question like that, without knowing the details of what we would be giving up or getting back in this supposed bipartisan deal

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Well, I guess you just answered your own question. if we don’t know what’s in the bill why would I say yes or no or anyone else? Please ask better questions.
The insiders like John Thune are familiar with the negotiations. And he thinks it's insane to torpedo this deal when he believes this will improve the border situation and help our allies with military aid to protect our interests. That's my whole point.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Oh, you've seen the text of the bill? Let's see it.
No one has seen the bill outside of the people writing and reading the proposal. The things I state is what members are saying they seen in the bill and why it will not pass. What are you seeing and reading about that says exactly what they are going to do to stop illegal immigration?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
No one has seen the bill outside of the people writing and reading the proposal. The things I state is what members are saying they seen in the bill and why it will not pass. What are you seeing and reading about that says exactly what they are going to do to stop illegal immigration?
Which members are saying exactly what you've posted?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Which members are saying exactly what you've posted?

Ted Cruze is one. I know I know You don’t listen to anything he says. If this is false then I’m sure your news will be correcting him on this. Again what is the things that the Democrats are saying is in the bill that will SToP illegal crossing. Not why they need more money for side things.


Well-Known Member
I don’t know John and I definitely don’t trust any insiders. How old are you and how many times have you been screwed by these kind of people how many times will it take before you realize that?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
I don’t know John and I definitely don’t trust any insiders. How old are you and how many times have you been screwed by these kind of people how many times will it take before you realize that?
Lawmaking is about going above “trust” and codifying how society should operate.

The most conservative leaders in the Senate seemed to be behind this border deal. If that’s not good enough for MAGA, that’s one thing. If it’s not good enough because Trump wants to spend the next year complaining about the border then that’s just pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Lawmaking is about going above “trust” and codifying how society should operate.

The most conservative leaders in the Senate seemed to be behind this border deal. If that’s not good enough for MAGA, that’s one thing. If it’s not good enough because Trump wants to spend the next year complaining about the border then that’s just pathetic.
Do you think I give a damn MAGA as a movement? Do you sound intelligent, saying lawmaking about going above trust? Lol.

Lawmaking is hilarious term. We don’t even follow the laws we’ve made…..let’s make more.😂


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
@Next Day Err …. Again what are the things that the Democrats are proposing in the bill that will STOP illegal crossing. Not why they need more money for side things.
I know with 500 pages of solutions you could be here all day but I would like to know a few of the top ones.

I have told you what some republicans have gave as solutions to start with. These will cost nothing and does not need a 500 page bill to pass. The problem is these solutions have and will slow down illegal crossing but doesn’t bring in more money to siphon off of.
1. Start with putting up the wall that is laying on the ground already paid for
2. Stop catch and release
3. Bring back remain in Mexico
4. Stop giving any financial assistance to anyone illegally crossing the boarder.
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Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I support a 0.25% tax to take care of our homeless veterans, would MAGA? Or is their concern for the homeless and the drug addicted all talk?

How about a .25% tax on leftists to take care of illegal immigrants? Current revenues should be used for our country's legal citizens.

After three years of Mayorkas and others telling Congress the border is secure please forgive me if I have doubts about their sincerity to actually fix the border this time. Your administration is running out of wool to pull over eyes.

People are figuring out how much of a turn on illegal immigration is for leftists. They'll do anything to keep it. Hearing their claims that they've offered an actual solution to it is like hearing a drug addicted family member say they're suddenly done with their favorite drug.
"Their sincerity" is kind of irrelevant if Congress passes new border law. Which apparently is on the ropes now because Trump wants something to complain about this year.

Would you rather the border remain at status quo or pass a bipartisan deal that the most conservative members of the U.S. Senate seem to want? Answer this question.
the deal is the same thing as the status quo but with 8 million given amnesty; the "limit" is a joke, they can't stop anyone now and so is the processing crap since they will just have children, get married, get chain-citizenship, or just wait for the next amnesty

any deal that doesn't undo the 1965 Act or change birthright citizenship doesn't fix anything