The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
If it’s in law then the money would be spent on building and housing the people who need it. But it’s not going to happen because nobody really cares.
Sure thing buddy, typical leftist nonsense.

First, your policies break the system
Then chaos, Ensues

Then you scream at people that you need money to fix it, and if they don’t agree to it, they hate women, children old people, drug addicts, and homeless and baby seals.

Then you get the money and 20 years later, when nothing is fixed, you rinse and repeat and ask for more money.

Sorry, maybe you haven’t been alive very long but I have seen this movie over and over again.

Giving the government money to fix a problem just makes certain there’s going to always be that problem.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
I just seen clips from MSM and how they are spinning this to look like Trump and the Republicans are holding up the answer to boarder security. It is so funny but I can see why people like @Next Day Err is parroting what he is hearing. Funny how the Dems have a solution for a problem that they said didn’t exist. I thought the boarder was closed and secure? Why did they unsecure and open the boarder? Why do they now need money to fix a problem they already had fixed? If the boarder was closed and secure why did they undo it to cause a problem? but If it was always a problem then they were lying all along and why would anyone trust them now? What else are they spinning and lying about? Next we will find out our last election wasn’t really the most secure in history and the vax isn’t really safe and effective. But thank God people can trust the MSM and they will keep watching and parroting what they tell them.
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Well-Known Member
I just seen clips from MSM and how they are spinning this to look like Trump is holding up the answer to boarder security. It is so funny but I can see why people like @Next Day Err is parroting what he is hearing. Funny how the Dems have a solution for a problem that they said didn’t exist. I thought the boarder was closed and secure? Why did they unsecure and open the boarder? Why do they now need money to fix a problem they already had fixed? If the boarder was closed and secure why did they undo it to cause a problem? but If it was always a problem then they were lying all along and why would anyone trust them now? What else are they spinning and lying about? Next we will find out our last election wasn’t really the most secure in history and the vax isn’t really safe and effective. But thank God people can trust the MSM and they will keep watching and parroting what they tell them.
You’re right it is hilarious because for three years, it was no problem at all. Anyone that brought it up was insane, racist and possibly treasonous.


Well-Known Member
The insiders like John Thune are familiar with the negotiations. And he thinks it's insane to torpedo this deal when he believes this will improve the border situation and help our allies with military aid to protect our interests. That's my whole point.
They reported on Newsmax last night that part of the compromise was to only allow in 150,000 illegals a month. If that's the case then I can see why many Republicans are backing away from it.


Well-Known Member
"Their sincerity" is kind of irrelevant if Congress passes new border law. Which apparently is on the ropes now because Trump wants something to complain about this year.

Would you rather the border remain at status quo or pass a bipartisan deal that the most conservative members of the U.S. Senate seem to want? Answer this question.
The "most conservative" or the most Rhino? ANSWER THIS QUESTION!!!


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
The "most conservative" or the most Rhino? ANSWER THIS QUESTION!!!

Good luck getting an answer from him. He won’t answer questions I ask. Parrots only parrot. They can’t think for themselves or ever realize they have been lied to. They will keep going back to the same source and parrot away whatever the new phrase of the day is.


Well-Known Member
Is Thune conservative? Yes.

Does he always do what Trump says? No.

Does that make him a RINO?

Totally not a cult.
What does he conserve?

Why would he do what Trump says, Trump is not the president.

Most likely a corporatist I don’t really care about parties at this point. About the only difference is one will stab you in the back, and one will stab you in the front. Either way you’re getting stabbed.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Biden…The working man’s president! 🤣. Check out the hard hat. Strap for back is on his forehead. The guys with him must of set his :censored2: up. 🤣🤣🤣
