The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
All you have to know is MSM and Democrats are wanting this to pass.

On a side note. When did Biden go racist? He now wants the border closed?
Remember that’s what they said about Trump when he wanted it closed.
Because that only counts for certain people and certain situations has nothing to do with actually being racist or bigot. It's a tool to be used when you have no valid arguments.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member

Are the border guards libs now?
I mean the mining unions supported Obama who clearly stated he wanted to shut them down. So just because a union endorses it doesn't mean it's right or good. Union endorsements are nothing more than politics.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
I mean the mining unions supported Obama who clearly stated he wanted to shut them down. So just because a union endorses it doesn't mean it's right or good. Union endorsements are nothing more than politics.
Unions bosses don’t mind border jumpers crossing country lines but they sure get butt hurt when a scab crosses their lines.
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Inordinately Right
They're desperate for any change of policy at all because Joe Biden's administration has crapped all over them for years.

I feel sorry for them, but this bill is trash and it's dead on arrival.
Are the border guards libs now?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
I just seen a clip of morning Joe and Mika freaking out that this bill won't pass. It’s hilarious seeing them all of a sudden saying the USA can’t take another year of the invasion while they was silent the last 3 years and even pushing that the border was secure just a few months ago. They want this bill to pass so when Trump gets in his hands will be tied to what the bill says. They know he will actually work to make the border secure without all the fluff money.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I just seen a clip of morning Joe and Mika freaking out that this bill won't pass. It’s hilarious seeing them all of a sudden saying the USA can’t take another year of the invasion while they was silent the last 3 years and even pushing that the border was secure just a few months ago. They want this bill to pass so when Trump gets in his hands will be tied to what the bill says. They know he will actually work to make the border secure without all the fluff money.
Dim-o-craps, knowing they are about to lose, have adopted a scorched earth policy, so that their plan to destroy America might continue into the Trump 2nd presidency.

Hard to fathom how much the left hates America.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!

Just because something is “better than what we have now” doesn’t mean it is good. Why doesn’t the union accept the first offer UPS gives them in negotiations and tell all the union members “it’s better than what we have now.”


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Can someone explain to me why the Democrats on BC keep telling us this bill has what the GOP wants and it will be a win for the republicans, yet they are the ones foaming at the mouth wanting this to pass? You guys are hilarious! Do you even believe your BS?
It gave senile Joe an out.



Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
It doesn’t look like there is any lack of food from where these illegals came from. Just imagine this is after they walked hundreds of miles (or so we have been told)😂
